
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Florida Weather and Colds

Afraid I have come down with a touch of cold - the weather this time of year in Florida is heat at night and A/C in the daytime. You layer your clothes because you don't know how hot the day may get. Fell asleep this morning - didn't want to - so now I am awake again in what for most is the middle of the night.

Took what I thought was pork chops out of the freezer but when I went to cook it I found out it was a roast. Too late to roast it then I had to slice it up and trim it up and fry it like pork chops. Turned out pretty good too. When I lived in the country I had a large upright freezer that I kept full. Strawberries, vegetables that I didn't can and we would usually once a year buy half a cow from my uncle. One year he had a milk cow that just would not breed so he had to turn her into steaks and roasts - that year the meat was really good. I know this may put some people off but I raised animals to eat. They were always treated with kindness by me because they were giving me and my family food.
My first pig I raised my then father in law came over and said he would kill it for us - he had a hand gun and the ammo must have been ancient - he kept firing at the pig till I at last said just stop. Told my ex to go get the rifle, got the pig some food and told them to let her calm down - most people don't know but if you kill an animal like a pig when it is upset it affects the taste of the meat. For once my ex and my father in law listened to me when I told my ex exactly where to shoot the pig he dropped her with one shot. I had to take a back seat then because they were going to butcher her - boy did they. Guess who did the pigs each year after that - you guessed it me. The only help I needed was getting it hung up because it was so heavy. I sort of miss those days but hey Winn Dixie has a lot of buy one get one free on meat down here and I divide it up and keep our little freezer full.

My room mate's grand daughter is celebrating her birthday tomorrow - Saturday and I get to go shopping for her. My room mate came home early from work Friday - he gets mad if others aren't doing their work right - he said a unit (a condo) was suppose to be ready for him to spray and he had to spend over an hour finishing up the preparation before he could spray it - this was after the worker told him it was ready to spray - they are suppose to have everything ready and all he has to do is go from unit to unit and spray. He says he would rather prepare it and spray it all his self - it would get done faster. I keep trying to tell him he is only hurting his self by letting them get him mad. Any way the result of all this going on was that they begged him to work Saturday because some owners were going to do a walk through of their new condo and it hadn't been sprayed yet. So that leaves me going shopping - with my room mates money - which I don't mind at all. Her Mom says she wanted the new 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' movie. I haven't seen it but my sister did and said it was OK for kids.

Guess I have rambled on enough for now. Been down memory lane and back to tomorrow.


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