
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Friday, November 18, 2005

Have to Get Going

Have to get going on the Xmas ornaments time is slipping away. Thanksgiving next week and all I have is two cans of cranberry sauce. It is all right I am used to having to make do so if I miss out on the foil pans and stuffing I will come up with something - shucks I can make my own stuffing with bread and I do have one can of chicken broth in the cupboard. I have two cake mixes and frosting - in case we miss the pumpkin pies - the easy ones already cooked. We - meaning my room mate - has not decided yet if he just wants a large turkey or a smaller turkey and a small ham. Personally I would just like turkey but since it is his family coming over it is his decision.

For some reason I just can't get into the holiday mood. I think it is what I am facing after Thanksgiving that is making me feel down. Four different doctors and one of them is way up in Tampa which means city driving which I am not comfortable with. Maybe my sis will take me and we can make a side trip to the yarn store we went to before. Also I am now regretting putting off my orthopedic doctor because my knees are hurting. I can do this I know I can - just have to get myself stirred up here and get on with it.

Another downer for me is not flying up to Georgia to be with my daughter - they used to fly me up there every Thanksgiving but for the last two years we haven't been able to do that. I miss her.

At least there will be a couple of little ones here to be running around underfoot and playing. Last time they were here they asked if they could call me grandma and I said yes why not 'grandma darling' because darling is what they usually call me. They have so many grandparents and step-grandparents that they hardly know what to call anyone. They like being with me because I do not ever ever put any of the assorted grandparents or parents be they step or not down - unlike some of the others who openly talk about how bad this one or that one is. They are children and don't know. I guess I am a little touchy on the subject because my ex at first was telling my son how Mom didn't love them any more and didn't want to be with him. I never put my ex down to my son. My son may be mentally impaired but he understands a lot more then people give him credit for.

Guess I have rambled on enough for now. Need to get myself cheered up - maybe I will put up the Xmas tree.


At Fri Nov 18, 03:47:00 PM 2005, Blogger Susan Tidwell said...

I am having trouble getting in the mood also, not sure why. Maybe after Thanksgiving the holiday spirit will appear. Then I will get stressed out because I don't have any gifts yet or any ideas for gifts. I like to give handmade gifts, but don't always have the time. I got some teddy bears at Wal-Mart a while back and a couple of wicker baskets, I am thinking of making a little quilt and a little afghan (maybe 18" square) for each of the bears in the baskets, to give each of the two youngest granddaughters (ages 8 and 9). That is the only idea I have had so far! Will let you know if it turns out, will maybe post pictures.

Here's hoping we get in the mood soon!

At Sun Nov 20, 07:31:00 PM 2005, Blogger SuzieG said...

Of course I'll take you up to Tampa to the doctors and we will visit the yarn shop too. I hated Kansas, but loved seeing Crystal graduate with High Honors and perfect attendance awards, and loved hugging the grandbabies!


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