
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Friday, November 11, 2005

Veterens Day

Just finished reading Patchwork Reflections blog - she is so skilled with words and talks about WWII and family members who served their country.

My room mate is also a vetern - he served in Viet Nam. Sometimes he just takes Veterns Day off though his company doesn't regonize it. He went to work today though he really didn't want to.

Well my Sis is going to pick me up soon and off we go to get my -ugh- mammogram. My Sis and I have found we are great friends now that the kids are grown and gone and we have more time to spend with each other. She has such a calming influence on me that I don't even want to smoke while I am with her ( yes - I do that nasty smoking but one of these days I am going to have to just lay them down).

Poor Moocher we have been doing a no-no with him - giving him some people food and last night I let him finish my beefstew and macaroni (leftovers night) he climbed up in my lap and threw up in my lap. At least it wasn't on the furniture or carpet. But no more people food for him. Cat food and his hair ball treats is all he gets.

My sewing is going along fine - almost done with what I want to do right now and it is back to the crocheting - those froggies are still waiting for me and this is November already.

Time for me to get going. Maybe my Sis and I will see a yard sale or two or three or......


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