Doctors and more tests - ugh
Thought I would have next week to relax and get a little done for Xmas but I have to have several tests done - blood work - some from one doctor some from another doctor. Now they want me to have a CT scan with contrast of my liver which means I have to make a trip to pick up the contrast stuff at least 24 hours before I go for the scan. But first the blood work. Waiting for my primary care doctor to set up a follow up mamogram - they found something they didn't like. Called them and they said my doctor had to set up the appointment. At least one test that I have to be in the hospital for I begged them to put it off till January. It is a pain falling apart and the doctors trying to put you back together. At least my knee is better. It just took a long time for it to heal - still healing some.
There I have moaned and groaned about my aches and pains enough. I just keep going. Hopefully I will have something more pleasant to post next time.
Doctors! Sometimes I wonder if they really need all those tests, or is it just time for the payment on the Mercedes? Hope you get through all the doctor appointments and can enjoy the holidays.
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