Big Day
The day has come for my room mate's operation on his shoulder. The doctor finally told him yesterday that there is a lot more wrong in there then a torn rotor cup. They estimate the surgery to take a least three hours. His older brother is taking him to the hospital and I am going to stay home and strip his hospital bed and get everything nice and clean for when he gets home. Neither one of us has slept much - I gave it up at four thirty and as soon as I tried to sneak into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee he got up and took over my bedroom.
Suppose to have another doctor's appointment myself tomorrow but I just can't leave him alone the first day after surgery so today I will be rearranging doctors once again. At least I did get to my one important one yesterday thanks to my dear sister again. That doctor is out of the way for another three months.
Don't know if I mentioned the hunt for the scanner cable or not - I looked this house over twice and my sister and I couldn't remember if I had sent two cables with her or one. Well I must have been doing something wrong because after we had stopped at a few places trying to find the second cable - no luck - we got back to my house and sis got the scanner to print. I have no idea what I was doing wrong - it woundn't print for me. The second cable wasn't needed.
My sis and I stopped at the Oriental Store and I stocked up on some goodies and pansit noodles. The only thing they didn't have was the coconut vinegar which was what I wanted to buy. Oh, well - next trip.
I now have a secret vice. After watching hours of Texas Hold'em Poker on TV with my room mate I dug out a game I had bought years ago and checked it out - it had a slightly different version of the poker game but after two days I was able to eliminate all of my opponates and come out $51,000 to the good - oh if that was only real money. I told my room mate to send me to Vegas but he said no - ha, ha.
Well it is almost time for the alarm to go off. It is the first time that we have set it since my room mate was injured. He has to take a good shower - at least I am getting the place as warmed up as I can for him. I will update on how things went.
Catching up on reading blogs, been very busy at work lately. I hope all goes well with the surgery today, and he is on the way to a speedy recovery! I know you look forward to having the house to yourself again (my husband is between jobs, and even though it is great to see him more than usual, he does tend to get underfoot at times!)
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