This is some of my family - the picture was taken at the same time as the one with me and my grandmother. I will have to get with my mother - she is a big picture saver and will know the year these were taken.
There are brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews, my parents - this was taken while Dad was still with us.
Seems sense grandmother passed on we don't have family get to gathers any more.
This fits with my other post how time is slipping away and we need to love the ones who are with us now. I call my mother almost everyday even if it is just to say hi - I love you. Thank goodness for phones. I need to start making an effort to talk to my brother more often - he just seems to always be working or sleeping or off doing buying for his EBay business. I just may call and leave a message to let him know I am thinking of him.
Well the dryer has stopped and it is time to get to a bit of cleaning.
Thanks for sharing your family. Time does slip by so fast, and makes it hard to stay in touch sometimes. Thanks for reminding me that making that extra effort is well worth it.
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