This is before - long, hot, heavy and could only pull it back in a pony tail. After reading sueeeus blog she got me moving and this morning while my room mate was sleeping I took myself off to Fantastic Sam's.
I found you! When I clicked the doubleknot url in my blog, it took me to some commercial web site. I think you need to put your bog address there ( It's a new blog so I'm not completely sure how it all works! Now, I have to go look at more of your pictures!
Looks like my hair the beginning of last the year before last.
I found you! When I clicked the doubleknot url in my blog, it took me to some commercial web site. I think you need to put your bog address there ( It's a new blog so I'm not completely sure how it all works! Now, I have to go look at more of your pictures!
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