Restless Legs
Every one was so helpful when I had a headache I thought I would ask around about this - the restless leg thingy - where you keep moving your legs. I used to drink sweet pickle juice - don't have any right now, something to start a new grocery list with. For a while I took quinine pills - something else to write down - see if they still sell them over the counter but you have to ask for them.
I have been up since two and it is almost five now. I have to keep moving my legs as I sit here and type. This bout isn't as bad as some I have where I have to walk and with bum knees that isn't fun.
My room mate's therapy was for nothing. He has to go back Friday and they are going to put him under and try to move his arm. The doctor told him he wouldn't be able to stand the pain if they didn't sedate him.
We had a small spiral cut honey ham for Easter and I put some of the meat and the bone in the freezer - well yesterday I cooked them up with great Northeren beans. I started early so they were done about one thirty and we started eating them. We would eat a bowl then wash our bowls and spoons then go back a little later and have another bowl - we put quite a dent in that pot of beans. Now I can 'hear' my room mate all the way from the back bedroom. He kept making a point of stopping right by me last night every time he had to do what beans do to you. I don't seem to be affected the same way - though I was laughing at myself after I got out of the shower cause every time I moved - well you get the picture.
Tried to post this earlier but blogger wouldn't publish so I am trying again.
I just had blogger issues as well. Glad to see that Steph is better. Hope you and your roommate are feeling better soon, also.
Bummer that you're not feeling well. I don't know what to tell you on that one. Sorry.
The "bean" stuff was hillarious. Sounds like me and my husband!!!!
Well, I'm off to bed!
Blogger wouldn't let me post anything for today...bummer. When it does that, I figure it wasn't meant to be posted.
Don't know what to say about your restless legs...sometimes anehistamines do that to me, but I don't take them anymore. You might try to Google, 'restless legs' and see what comes up or there is also WebMD.
I bet you two were hilarious with your tooting. *LOL*
I can eat an amazing amount of beans myself. They're so good and satisfying, and I do the same thing. Have a bowl, put it away. Come back, have another. And before you know it, the pot is half gone, and a few hours later and in to the next day, the husband is saying NO MORE BEANS FOR YOU, EVER. True love...
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