I am going to have to slow down on the blogging for a while - my finger can take just so much typing and I just am not the hunt and peck sort of person. So if I visit and don't leave a comment I haven't forgotten you.
crochet, life, and a little of everything
Is it the finger that you burned around May the 8th? WOW, you really must have burned it bad, didn't you?
Take good care of it and I'll excuse you just for a little while, hehehe, but I'll miss your comments.
You did very well, for having a burnt finger. It was a really nice visit Saturday. Yesterday we had Ron's Mom Dad and sister over for BBQ on the grill. I sat my camera on the coffee table, and didn't touch it the whole time! whaa. It was good but tiring and... I never even got a phonecall from my daughter. Sometimes I wonder what I did so bad that she avoids me.
Your blog loaded up very quickly...good job.
thanks for the encouraging words, love ya
Just do what you can. Hope your finger is better.
Keep those fingers out of the fire! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Everyone looks so happy, nice photos!
All righty. We'll understand. Just be sure to keep visiting!!
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