
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Gerber Daisy

I found a beautiful Gerber daisy at Lowe's. I don't seem to have the knack for finding unusual ones like my daughter but I am happy with this one.
The card in the pot said that this was an annual. I thought Gerber daises were perennial - well I guess I will have to pull a garden book out and look it up. It may well be an annual here in Florida but perennial in other places of the country.


At Thu May 11, 08:32:00 AM 2006, Blogger TUFFENUF said...

You know, I can't ever get it right about what is perennial and what is annual. Hell, if I like it, I buy it and plant it!

At Thu May 11, 12:40:00 PM 2006, Blogger Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

I'm with tuffy, if I like it I buy it.

Since our winters aren't as harsh as they used to be...some annuals are coming back year after year at my house.

Some of my perennial plants that need a cold hard freeze to germinate aren't getting it any longer and aren't coming back thickly like they should.

I saw some really pretty Gerber daisies at walmart the other day while we were there, with multicolored flowers.

At Thu May 11, 10:40:00 PM 2006, Blogger Ava said...

Very pretty flower.

I thought they were perennial also, but then again, the ones I had planted didn't come back. :-(



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