
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Philippine House

This is where we lived in the Philippines. We lived upstairs and the restaurant was down stairs. The bakery was in the back. The large windows we are sitting in had large shutters that slide closed at night or when it was raining. We were on the main road - two narrow lanes to Manila. Across the street from us was a church that had been there for five hundred years. The Spaniards built it - wait a minuet I may have that backwards - I know the Spain ruled the Philippines for five hundred years - that is why a lot of Spanish influence. The church is old though.


At Wed May 10, 06:20:00 AM 2006, Blogger SuzieG said...

That's you on the left up in the window, with our brother and your daughter... and that's our sister Maria on the right and that's me sitting on the window sill on the far right. We were so young then. Ah the memories... When we first arrived, I was only 8 then and couldn't speak their language, so I would take a box of cookies from our bakery everyday to school, and made lots of friends that way.

At Wed May 10, 03:30:00 PM 2006, Blogger Gary said...

That looks like a wonderful place to live. And a great window to the world.

At Wed May 10, 07:15:00 PM 2006, Blogger Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

I ditto Gary's comment too. Your sister has a wonderful memory and she brings up a thought.
We should all label our pictures so we know who is who 50 years down the road.

Glad you shared some more of your youth in the Philippines.

At Wed May 10, 10:48:00 PM 2006, Blogger Ava said...

What a neat piece of your history!! Thanks for sharing it with us. Wow, your sister has a great memory!



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