
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Thursday, June 08, 2006

First Bloom

The first bloom on my passion vine. I almost missed it - my room mate was outside and poked his head in the door and asked if I had seen this big red bloom. Well I just jumped up and went to see what he was talking about and low and behold it was the first bloom - about two hours later it was gone. I have hopes that now that it has started blooming it will keep it up. Too bad the blooms last only one day.

I have been tied to the phone for two days and am looking forward to a third day on Friday playing merry-go-round with some government agencies which all tell me to call the other one. I have a lead on one lady that may be able to help me and have left her two voice messages yesterday and about three today besides talking to a gentleman who said he would pass my file to her so I am hoping she calls me Friday. Since I have dial up it means staying off the computer.

Feeling better - not so sick as I was. Thanks for all the well wishes and concern everyone showed. I hope to catch up on everyone's posts soon.


At Thu Jun 08, 09:46:00 PM 2006, Blogger Granny said...

Glad you're doing better.

At Fri Jun 09, 02:05:00 AM 2006, Blogger Merle said...

Hi Dobleknot ~~ I am sorry you have been sick, and glad you are a little better.
You said you had a change of tablets, so watch, if it continues, could be one that doesm't suit you. Glad you liked the post. I liked the missing parts too
and the voices oly talk to you.
Take care, Merle.

At Fri Jun 09, 07:23:00 PM 2006, Blogger somershade said...

Beautiful bloom, all my flowers are dieing on my shady porch. I'll just have to enjoy yours. Glad your better xxxooo

At Fri Jun 09, 10:17:00 PM 2006, Blogger Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

So sorry that you have been so sick and I'm glad that you are feeling a little better. It's too bad that you are getting the old government runaround. That reminds me that I must go sign up for Social Security this month. I'll probably have some missing document and have to go back.

Your passion flower picture is beautiful. Too bad they only last for one day, but like you said...since it has started blooming, maybe you will have several blooms from now on to look at.

My moon flower only lasts for the night. It blooms at night only and goes away by morning. It smells terrific. I planted it by my front porch so I wouldn't miss its bloom. It hasn't bloomed yet. I'll post a picture when it does.

At Sat Jun 10, 02:13:00 AM 2006, Blogger Alipurr said...

glad you are feeling better. just tagged you for the 7's meme


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