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I can't believe that I emptied one side of the closet. I stood there in my underwear (blush) and if it didn't go over my head or around my waist it went to the mission. All those shoes I no longer can wear - found out I had three pairs of heels exacty the same! Can't wear heels any more but did find my good black flats so that was nice.
Stuff that needs to go in the new dresser. Too tired right now but maybe I can get it done before Steve gets home - he is going to be tired he has therapy after work.
Steve's desk that was on the closed in porch is now in the bedroom - now maybe he will leave my room alone with my desk and meds and stuff. This has been a tiring day but I can't believe what I got done by noon. Of course the neighbor helping was very nice - Steve and him know each other I was just lucky that he was home.
Wow! Great job!! You rock!!!
This past year everytime I put my clothes up for that season and bring out the new season's,I give the clothes I didn't wear to Good will.
If I didn't wear them 2 years in a row,they are gone weather I like them or not.
Wow you've been busy. I wish you would come orgainize my house. I still have things i haven't put away from when we moved almost 3 months ago.
Congrats!! That must feel great. I need to go through my closet and dresser again. I need to get my folded laundary into my dresser. I haven't had time or felt like messing with it. sure have been busy since Steve went back to work. An empty closet calls for a celebration and I hope the neighbor helped you move Steve's desk into the bedroom...that looks heavy.
I don't have many clothes and I wear all I have. I have stayed
this big size for several years now, so the few clothes that I have fit.
Jimmy on the other hand is always giving clothes to good will, not because he outgrows anything, but because he just has Sooooo Many clothes. I take up 1/4 of a closet and Jimmy has 3 closets.
You have inspired me to get busy and clean out my garage and closets. The world is full of so much stuff. I am trying to minimize. When I go camping, I only need the stuff in my trailer, so why do I think I need more when I am home? I think the trick is to be more organized with less "stuff"!
I have so much trouble getting organised, but once in a while I manage it, thank goodness.
Hope you are having a nice weekend.
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