Well my stove top is all fixed and what did I do for dinner last night - made a casserole in the microwave. It was sort of a taco chili combination with corn chip and cheese and salsa on it. I saw Steve just put a spoonful on his plate and get some other crackers but he was back for seconds. I should have added more chips to it, next time I will remember. I was hoping they would bring me a 'new' stove top but all the worker had to do was fix the wires - at least now they won't pull out of the plug and the plug is snug in it's holder - the old one wouldn't stay in.
Been up since two with restless legs and back hurting. Daylight is coming. Just had to go out and break up a cat fight between Moocher and the neighbor's cat. Moocher defends his territory. I don't know why the neighbor's cat comes over here - it was even laying on the porch one day. I know they feed it because it is twice the size of Moocher.
Steve's birthday is coming up on July 26 which also happens to be his youngest daughter's birthday also. I want to find one of those Mr. Clean car wash things that doesn't leave spots - I guess I will call around when I get the chance. My son's birthday is the 11th and my daughter's is the 25th. She was born five days after men walked on the moon for the first time - I was so hoping she would be born on the same day.
My luna hibiscus just keeps putting out a bloom a day. I hope it blooms all summer. No blooms on my passion flower though, perhaps it is just not settled in good yet. I have to make a trip to Lowe's - they have a new thing a marker in the plants that are heat resistant. I only need one or two or let me see maybe four. Have to count my flower pots.
You stove top looks nice and I'm glad it's fixed. I hope your passion flower blooms for you sometime this summer and what is this new heat thing that you were talking about for the plants?
My grandson Zac's birthday is July 11th also.
I've had those problems with my old stove as well.
My blog is down - trying to fix.
I'm posting because it can still be read on bloglines - just not on blog.
Hubby back in hospital as of an hour ago.
Glad you got a new stove. It's hard when you can't cook on a burner. The taco dinner sounded good, be sure and post the recipe for us. Also happy birthday to all you family memebers that have one coming up
Glad you got a new stove. It's hard when you can't cook on a burner. The taco dinner sounded good, be sure and post the recipe for us. Also happy birthday to all you family memebers that have one coming up
I'm sure you're glad to have your stove top back again...that taco chili combination dish you made sounds so very yummy! Grrrr, don't you hate having restless legs? I get that too...sometimes I'm trying to sleep and my leg starts jumping and I have to walk around to try to make it stop.
I'm sure you are glad you have your stove back. It is hard to do anything without it. The taco dish sounded very good.
My husband gets the restless leg syndrome and it is hard for ME to sleep and him also.
Love reading your blog. Thanks for stopping by mine.
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