Good News
As you know my room mate has been going through a terrible time with a torn rotator cup. Today he went to the doctor and the doctor agreed to have another MRI done to see if they missed something or what is going on in his shoulder.
With all the therapy he has it should have been improving but it isn't and he is in pain all the time.
I talked with his case worker the other day and told her how depressed he was and she told me to make the doctor's appointment.
Now we wait for Worker's Comp to OK the MRI and go from what they find. At least the doctor is agreeing now that they may have missed something. It gets so frustrating when the doctor fluffs you off.
I have another bud coming on my Luna Hibiscus. I am surprised that my double red bloomed some more - guess it likes it's pot. All the seeds I put in the big planter didn't come up so I guess I will try something else in there soon.
That's good that Steve is going to have another MRI and I'm sure that W.Comp will ok it. I can just imagine how upsetting it must be to Steve to have his arm out of commission for so long. I hope the doctor finds the problem once and for all.
Tell Steve that I wish him well and to hang in there. From experience, WC is a pain in the ass to deal with, you just have to jump through all the hoops. I ended up getting an attorney that specializes in worker's comp cases; that got everything straightened out. Good luck with it.
Hope the MRI is approved.
The hibiscus is pretty.
I hope so too and that they find what's wrong.
Well, maybe this time they will figure something out.
It has been my experience that it is very important to find a good doctor. So many doctors don't want to take the time to do their job right. That's really unfortunate. I hope your roommate is feeling better soon.
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