My hibiscus set two blooms - missed the first one but managed to get a picture of the second one blooming. It was so heavy I had to hold it up to get a picture - thus the arm in the picture.
Busy Monday after a semi busy weekend. Managed to clean my truck windows - hey there is a road behind me.
Have great northern with ham and ham hocks in the crock pot which should be done about the time supper is wanted. Every one was talking about how good Steve used to make them so I thought I would try my hand at them. I am dicing up an onion to add - don't know if he put one in or not.
Oh, my passion vine is not blooming any more but I am not worried because the lady's around the corner is not blooming either. So when her's starts to bloom I will know to watch for blooms on mine. Meanwhile I really wish I had a fence for mine to run on like her's because I am constantly trimming it back from taking over the other plants. It sure grows easy but I have not managed to start another plant from any cuttings.
I love your pink hibiscus...it's beautiful. I had two like it once, but they don't survive our winters here and it died outdoors.
I wish I had a homecooked meal...it sounds so good.
Lovely hibiscus. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, that's a beautiful bloom you've got there! Nice coloring.
Your hibiscus flower is gorgeous...love the colour!! Is it too late to come for supper??? Sure sounds delicious what you were cooking:-)
Love the hibiscus! Very beautiful
Wish I could come for supper too.....beans with ham hocks sounds heavenly and maybe with a little cornbread :) I made fresh green beans from the garden with country ham the other day. Yum Yum
Just dropping in again to say hello!
Beautiful flowers! Sorry to hear about your window, I hope they catch the culprit. We enjoyed our visit to your Sunshine State recently!
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