Adventures in Babysitting
We had the pleasure of watching the two little ones the other day. It took a while for the baby to warm up to me but once I showed her that my glasses came off - she looked at those things - she warmed right up to me. Grandpa had fun playing peek a boo with her with her blanket. This is a picture of her favorite toe - she likes to suck on it.
This is Jasmine, she is four today, the 11th, and she just loves her baby sister. She is really careful around her. Jasmie for some reason is really good with me and Grandpa - she gives everyone else trouble. Maybe it is because we pay more attention to her.
OH she it so cute! looks like she is eating that toe! Can't you give the poor child something better to eat?
The baby is so cute and I love that picture of her eating/sucking her toe...precious.
Jasmine's hair has grown out since the last picture and she's a cutie pie. I'm glad she is "good" for you guys...apparently you make her feel special.
Cute babies! Mine used to suck their toes, it doesn't get any cuter than that.
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