Beginning to look...
...a lot like Christmas. Put the tree up all three feet of it. Only found a box with some old bulbs in it and another with some of my angles in it. Heaven knows where the rest of the decorations are - hope I didn't accidentally donate them when I was cleaning things out earlier in the year.
Well, if we ever have a big tree or I pass this on to my daughter the tree skirt I made will be big enough - there is a lot of it folded up behind the tree. I think it looks nice. Maybe I will see if I can find the other ornaments - it is just in order to get to the closet I have to move stuff then move it back. My spirit is waning now. Where is Dawn - she said we needed to start wrapping presents that Elosie brought from Miami then she disappeared - to the neighbors.
Love your tree skirt! You did a great job on the crocheting, it looks very festive.
Everyone is getting their Christmas trees up in November. I'm going to wait a few more days. Yours looks great and I like your tree skirt. I hope you didn't donate your Christmas ornaments, but if you did someone will be grateful to you. *LOL*
Dawn...Hurry up and come home because I want to see presents under that tree. *LOL*
Your tree looks great. I really need to get myself in order and put mine up too
We put our tree up last week and bought all our christmas snacks and goodies to eat throughtout the whole month we are celebrating christmas.
What a beautiful tree you have!
I hope that all is going well and you got the presents wrapped!
I just came from Sandy's blog (Abandoned in Pasadena) and saw her little tree set off by the prettiest little stockings and she said you had gifted them to her. I love her little tree and I don't feel so bad about putting my little one up and will be doing that very soon.
come see me sometime!
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