Tried to leave TUFFENUF a comment but blogger doesn't seem to want me to make any more comments this morning.
The subject was sleeping and snoring - I am going to go buy me a little travel pillow and try to keep my mouth shut. Heaven knows I have tried every thing else. Well except duct tape - the all round fixer upper - to keep my mouth closed. I am a LOUD snorer - always have been. I start snoring if I just nod off for a minuet. No joke when I was in the hospital to have my son some twentyseven years ago the other two ladies in the room couldn't sleep because of my snoring!
I remember one time waiting for a doctor's appointment and nodding off - I woke myself up every time hearing my own snoring - people were looking at me but I was tired and sick and didn't care but they must have thought it strange because after a while gee no one was sitting around me.
I think I would sleep better too if I didn't snore. Oh well, I will try anything - except maybe the duct tape - not a good idea to have my mouth taped shut though lately I have been so cranky I bet the people around me wish they had some duct tape.
I tried to leave Tuffenuf a comment too and blogger wouldn't let me either so I just emailed her my comment.
I snore too and I'm not letting Jimmy read your post about the duct tape...Lord, I wouldn't want to give him any ideas!! *LOL* He'd surely duct tape my mouth shut.
Have you tried those breathing strips that you put on your nose? Are they even for snoring?
My snoring was a problem for the spouse. My wife would often wake me to stop snoring. We found an unexpected solution that has stopped my snoring: The SquidFace and ComfyRest pillows. The snoring relief was an unexpected benefit of an invention I patented for being able to lie facedown comfortably and breathe without turning my head to the side. Snoring relief and many additional pain relief benefits are on my website.
I have no idea why I can't get comments, blogger drives me crazy. I really have felt a lot better and I sleep better since I discovered this way of sleeping. Just don't tuck your neck, keep it extended. Those nose strips work for some people too. Another thing that helps me is that I keep it cool in the house when I sleep (about 70 degrees). Good luck, I hope you sleep better!
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