An assortment of coffees my daughter sent me for Christmas.
My sister gave me a thingy that makes one cup of coffee at a time. I use number four filters in it. It sits very nicely on top of my thermos cup then I pour it into my regular coffee cup. I didn't know the stains would show in the picture - my cup is so old that it has permante stains on it. I just can't seem to find another one I like. I have tried several but like the flat bottom of this one. Guess when this one breaks I will break down and use another one.
My foot is healing nicely only it seems to be hurting more now then when I first had the operation. I think because I have been over doing it with walking around.
Steve is still waiting to hear from his case worker. They take their sweet time - ugg. If I was him I would be on that phone several times a day to ask them if they had heard anything from the doctor and what is going to be the next step in this worker's comp case.
I will be glad when I don't have to worry about tying up the phone lines. I miss blogging. I am just squeezing in a little post this morning before everyone wakes up.
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