
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ants solved

Thanks to Tanya Moocher's ant problem is solved. A pie plate with some water and his dish fits just nicely in it - I went ahead and put it out this morning early and so far no ants and Moocher doesn't seem to be having a problem eating. Thanks Tanya.

Did some running around this morning - post office, grocery store, the dreaded bank where I had to take some money out. Rent is coming up soon and I just hate to take money out of the bank I guess I figure the longer I can leave it in there the longer I will have it but I am broke by the end of the month any way because of those pesky bills that I have to send off.

My lovely daughter sent me another book about Southern life and says it is really funny can't wait to dive into it. I'll let you know how good a read it is. My daughter is a librarian so she knows books. Not only is she a librarian but she is assistant librarian where she works.


At Fri Apr 06, 10:05:00 AM 2007, Blogger Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Southern life itself is funny anyway, hehehe, but let us know about the book.


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