
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Had to go to the drug store and put my prescriptions in and low and behold there were two small boxes of peeps left needless to say I grabbed them and a nice box of dark chocolate Queen Anne cherries. I still don't trust my stomach to indulge myself but any day now. I guess I was just so sick around Easter I didn't even think of my peeps.

Well the sun has come out here now. I hope we get more rain. My tomatoes are growing by leaps and bounds - more pictures are coming. My hot pepper bush has blooms and what looks like a couple of peppers on it already. Steve's friend tried to get him to bring home a large tomato in a container and try to fool me into thinking Steve had planted it - thank goodness Steve told him I wasn't that dumb since I am the one who did all the planting. Steve's friend's garden is in the ground and was planted long before mine so he is starting to get tomatoes and squash and cucumbers.

Seems to be all the exciting news for now. Looking forward to the family (Steve's) reunion. We are already making plans. I have the most important thing already packed - coffee. From past experiences the hotel doesn't give you enough coffee and only two little packets of creamer. I go prepared this year - creamer and coffee.


At Wed Apr 11, 12:59:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, now is the time for all that marked down Easter candy. I'm glad you're going to get to eat some of it eventually. I wait to see how your tomatoes come out.

At Sat Apr 14, 01:51:00 PM 2007, Blogger Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

No tomatoes here yet...It's still too cold to plant.
I see you finally got your Peeps. I had about 6 boxes or maybe more. I got two of each different colors and I ate them all except for the one Peep the cat ate.


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