Felicia's Fluffy Flowers
Here I am once again shamelessly urging everyone to visit my daughter's site.
She hasn't had a good week and needs some cheering up. While you are at Fluffy Flowers there is a link to her Etsy store - even if you don't buy anything there are some cute creatures to look at.
Trimmed my big tomato plants back. My neighbor told me that a farmer had told her when they get that big trimming them back is all you can do. There are tomatoes on the plants now. I hope trimming it solves the problem of it falling over. It kept almost pulling the roots lose which wasn't good for the plant. Now with the trim and lots of water it seems to be coming round. Next time it will be one plant in the pot no matter what Steve says - all I have to do is remind him of this years troubles.
I had gone over to fluffyflowers and tried to order,"The trouble with" (a furry little thing with eyes)but I had to set up a site, so I abandoned the idea. I thought it was really cute.
Mmmmmm ... tomatoes!!!! I love those things!!!!!
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