
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


This is actually the second load of books I have hauled off to the library. The first was last year when I started sorting out books I no longer wanted. It was harder to give these books up as a lot of them are Florida gardening books but I don't foresee myself planting a garden again and I know just about everything I need to know about gardening in pots.

I can't help it I am going to snag that older Wise Gardening book out of the box and keep it - it really isn't in that good a shape and it has more stuff in it then the new Wise Garden book I bought and is getting donated.

I am hoping that other people get as much enjoyment from these carefully gathered books as I did.

With limited room I have to be careful of gathering too many books. Right now I am reading through the paper backs that have been tucked here and there and as I read them they go in a bag for the mission or Good Will which every I get to first. Didn't know I had so many paper backs left.

Guess I better break out my library card and start using it instead of buying books - a lot cheaper too.


At Wed Oct 10, 06:54:00 AM 2007, Blogger Susan Tidwell said...

You have a lot of books there! I am sure they will be welcomed by the library. Our library loves donated books - the ones they don't put on the shelves, they sell for money to buy new books. I like to donate books after I read them, I think a book shouldn't just sit on the shelf collecting dust, it should be passed around and shared and read!

I remember your daughter used to have a blog/website where she listed and reviewed books, does she still do that?

At Wed Oct 10, 11:20:00 PM 2007, Blogger Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

You did have a lot of books didn't you? I'm sure the library will love you for donating those books.

At Thu Oct 11, 08:06:00 AM 2007, Blogger Susan Tidwell said...

RE: My recent post - keep smiling. Comments make me smile! So all of you who were nice enough to comment are officially presented with the 'you make me smile' award!



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