
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

More Waiting

Well the big court date came and went. What was suppose to be about an hour turned into over three hours and poor Steve still has to wait three weeks or so for the judge's decision. So more waiting.

We enjoyed the Super Bowl and was very happy when the Giants scored that touch down in the last seconds of the game. We both yelled - guess the neighbors thought we were fighting! Now both Mannings have Super Bowl wins. The cameras kept showing Patten watching his little brother play and getting excited.

Haven't been working on anything lately - still need to finish my shawl by the time I do I won't need it. We are have some pretty warm weather here and this weekend it is suppose to be in the eighties. What we really need is rain. It is raining all around us but just not on us.

I have to remember not to try and go to Wal Mart on Super Bowl day any more - people were buying drinks and snacks and tables and chairs and grills and it seemed every one of them was in a bad mood. The only good thing was picking up the chicken wings we ordered. Beef O'Bradys had a table set up just inside the door for pick ups they had so many. My little order of twenty five wings and one order of onion rings was dinky compared to the other orders people were picking up. They needed boxes to haul the stuff out of there. The wings were good with enough left over that I didn't have to fix anything else to eat the next day.


At Tue Feb 05, 03:38:00 PM 2008, Blogger Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

You just gave me an idea of what to have for supper...barbeQue chicken nuggets.Mmmmmm


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