My sis took me to my doctor's appointment way up in Tampa. We were talking so hard we were there before we knew it and wonder of wonders they took me in early. My old doctor retired and I have a new lady doctor - she is nice.
After the doctor we decided to eat at Ho One the Chinese buffet that my family has eaten at for years. You can imagine our shock when we got there and discovered it was closed and the space was up for lease. I guess all good things come to an end sometimes.We just drove back to Riverview right down the road from my house and had lunch at Lucky Buffet. The place always has lots of people in it. Our lunch was good. My sis snapped this shot of me outside. Guess this will turn into the family restaurant now.
Poor little Marissa we have been putting pull ups on her hoping that she will get the idea of the potty - yesterday her pull up must have been full and when she went wee wee it ran down her leg - such a shocked look on her face it was very comical. Thank goodness she was in the kitchen on the tile instead of on the carpet. I couldn't stop laughing it was so funny.
Hope I get one of those IRS refunds. I sent in the paper work now I just have to wait. I more then likely won't get it till June. It sure will come in handy no matter how much I get.
Poor little Marissa....I know how much she doesn't like soiled pull-ups and I can just imagine the surprised look on that cute little face when this happened.
I love Chines buffet's and it was too bad that your favorite place was closed down. That's always a disappointment when you are looking forward to eating there and it's gone.
That's supposed to say
I love CHINESE buffets
It sounds 'like life goes on' in Florida. Doctor visits, laughing with sisters, eating out, potty accidents, a good day all in all!
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