Here is my shelf all dressed up with my angels and a beautiful wooden bowl. Haven't decided yet what to hang on the bar beneath the shelf but one of these days I will come upon something and say oh, yes that would be just right.
Chilly here yesterday and today. Suppose to be in the thirties tonight. For us that live in the Sunshine State that is cold enough for us. We don't have many days to wait then we will be back up in the eighties. Soon it will level off and we will be wishing we had these cool days back.
Have to make a trip to the library Tuesday - I am almost out of reading material. I know that seems silly since I have so many books of my own but I want new books to read. My reading has slowed down a bit. I didn't have much luck with the books I checked out last time - three of them were just unreadable. I like mysteries that keep you guessing and that have a lot going on. I did check out one of Sharon Sala's books and it was so good I went on line and ordered two more of her books - hope they are as good as the one I read.
The angels look great up there :)
Good to see you blogging again. Guess the computer is behaving better lately, eh. I love wooden bowls too. I just bought a couple of them at an art show last November. I keep fruit in them on the table. Ever read Conrad Richter books, the Awakening Land Trilogy? I really enjoyed them -- The Trees, The Fields, and The Town. Have a good day!
Your shelf looks great and the angels & wooden bowl all match your wall really well.
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