My daughter suggested I share about my first experience with growing marigolds. I had never grew them before and planted seeds. Well were we lived a weed grew that looked a lot like marigolds - yes guessed it - I pulled up the marigolds and let the weeds grow. Those were the prettiest lush weeds you ever saw just no flowers. I bought a pot of marigolds and got to comparing them with what was growing in my garden and found out that marigold leaves have a smell to them that those plants didn't so I finally figured out I was growing weeds. It has been many years since I grew my first weeds after that I was more careful about what I pulled up. Used to have a book that showed what plants looked like when they were just starting. It was a big help when I grew some carrots - there was a weed that looked a lot like carrots when they first start but thank goodness I figured out what the carrots looked like before I pulled them up.
Weather is still nice and cool in the mornings here but by the afternoon the a/c needs to be on. What we really need now is rain. People can't even use their sprinklers now to water their lawns they have to use a hose. I worry about all the leaves around my place but there are too many for me to rake up. I have a big oak tree that I have to park under and the front of my truck is loaded with leaves and pollen every morning. I will be glad when the leaves stop falling but the news says we are going to have the pollen for a while.
LOL Oh my goodness! This is a great story for those who are just starting out gardening. We learn from out mistakes and they make great stories in the long run :)
This story reminds me of the time my hubby cleaned the weedy scraggly bushes out from in front of our newly rented house. He loaded them into our truck and hauled them off. When I got home I gasped, asking "What have you done with all the azalea bushes?!"
They just needed some TLC, trimming and fertilizing. When azalea season arrived, I showed him around the neighborhood what he had trashed. He was repentant.
He thought he had done a great job, cleaning up the front garden. lol
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