
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Easter was quiet around here. I roasted a turkey with my broiler - found out the element for roasting wasn't working. Besides over cooking the yams in the microwave - some were a little crunchy - at least I didn't set the smoke alarms off! Time to get back to my crochet - seems this afgan is taking me forever. There are so many other things I want to start. Keep making these little scruncies - this is the first time in years my hair has been long enough to pull back. I will try to get some more pictures to post soon.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Lazy Day

A lazy day today - only washed clothes, cleaned kitchen, got ribs ready to roast in oven with BBQ sauce, and played on the computer. Computer is running a lot better I took the time to tune it up. Trying to find the place in the blog that tells you how much room you have left - saw it once but can't find it now. I will keep trying.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by doubleknot.
Not a very clear picture but I have been working on getting on my blog for some time. I am determined to learn how to do all this stuff. The afhgan is just two simple stichs but it makes a nice pattern.


Originally uploaded by doubleknot.
Here are some scruncies I made. They are cute, quick, easy and gives you a break from larger projects,

Monday, March 21, 2005


Originally uploaded by doubleknot.
This is my kitty friend that visits me. He has a home somewhere as he is well groomed and well fed. He just likes to visit for a while. We can't have pets here so it is the next best thing. Bought him a box of cat food - he eats a little out of politeness.


Originally uploaded by doubleknot.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

No Luck

No luck with the fishing. Roommate came home empty handed. Maybe next time.

Want to finish up an afghan I am working on before I start another large project. Mean while I am doing some little scrunices. They are turning out cute.


No luck

No luck with the fishing - room mate came home empty handed.

Do belive I sort of figured out how to work this blog - have a whole lot more to learn. I want to dig my camera out and post a few pictures. Let's see if I can get this posted. Later.

First Timer

Well this is exciting. Made a few false starts and imagine I will make more before I learn how to run my blog. I have discovered the wonderful world of free crochet patterns out there. On those sleepless nights I cruise the sites and just look at every pattern - have a few picked out to do now - I want to do them all!

Roommate went fishing - really wanted to go but just too tired. I rest a lot. Maybe they will bring back a fish.

Hope someone reads this.