Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sleep Clinic
Should have taken my camera with me to the sleep clinic - would have gotten a great picture for Halloween with all the wires and sleep mask they had on me.
After all these years I am at last doing something about my snoring or I should say SNORING! I have always snored loudly. Remembered to ask my doctor about it and he set me up with a sleep test. The first one was to see how I slept. They found out that I would stop breathing 51 times an hour - that is almost every minuet. No wonder I never feel rested when I wake up. Didn't think I could sleep with all the wires hooked up to me but I did. Asked the nurse if I snored and she said Oh yes, I had snored.
The second time I went to the sleep clinic they fitted me with a small mask that just went over my nose and I did better about the not breathing but still snored a little.
Go back on Oct. 9th to get the results. Guess I will have to have one of those breathing machines. I did feel more rested the day after I used the machine at the clinic.
Steve has been approved for his disability. At his age and only doing one type of work for so many years they should give it to him after all he paid into SS all those years.
Well Dawn moved in and she is moving out just that quick again. This time she is moving in with a girl friend to help watch her children. Hope it works out for her.