
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nice Outing

My sis and I escaped to Brandon this morning and had a fun time. We went to Micheal's where I found the eucalyptus that I had been looking for to put in the wall vase that she gave me. I think It looks really nice and I love the smell.

We ate at Pop Eyes which has the best cajun chicken and red beans and rice in the area. I had the cajun fries. I don't think that I will eat much for dinner. Two pieces of chicken a to die for biscuit and fries filled me up pretty good.

We stopped at a Cuban Market and looked around. I bought some really sweet coconut things that I will put three in the freezer and just eat one now and then so I won't get a sugar over load.

I know I had a really good time. I really like to get out with my sis every now and then. School is going to be out soon so our get away days will either have to include her grandkids or maybe their mother could watch them.

We had a terrible thunder storm here last night - I was sure it hit one of the trees around my house but I didn't see any damage. The electric didn't even go out which it does when there is a lot of lightening.

Time for me to take a rest.

Monday, May 25, 2009

More Blooms

Good thing I didn't pull up my geraniums because they have set more blooms. Maybe they rest between blooms. We have been having such cloudy weather here that my plants on the porch weren't getting enough sun so I had to move them. My pepper plant is growing a whole lot of peppers right now. Nothing is happening with the egg plant.

After all the excitement Sunday about the snake I took it easy Monday and watched various services for our service men and women. My father was a vet. He retired from the Navy. Steve was a vet - he was in Viet Nam. I pray that all the fighting will come to an end soon and everyone can come home.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


On my way out to get in my truck to go to Wal Mart what do I see but a huge huge snake crawling under my truck. The neighbor came down and between us got the other neighbor's cell phone number and called them that their snake was lose. It took about an hour and all sorts of people started showing up. Turns out the neighbors were just watching it for someone else. He just got one of the other guys to help carry the snake and put it in the back of his car. The snake broke out of it's cage. We don't know exactly when it got out but there seems to be fewer cats around then usual - maybe they all ran away and hid.
Did make it to Wal Mart.

Friday, May 15, 2009

First Pepper

Well I tried to post a picture of my first banana pepper from my bush but Blogger doesn't respond to posting pictures. The pepper was a good size and there are little peppers popping all out on the plant. I can't wait till I get enough to cook some again.

Been sick for a while but am over it now. Feel pretty good.

It is really hot down here now but we are getting some rain here and there.