
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


My daughter suggested I share about my first experience with growing marigolds. I had never grew them before and planted seeds. Well were we lived a weed grew that looked a lot like marigolds - yes guessed it - I pulled up the marigolds and let the weeds grow. Those were the prettiest lush weeds you ever saw just no flowers. I bought a pot of marigolds and got to comparing them with what was growing in my garden and found out that marigold leaves have a smell to them that those plants didn't so I finally figured out I was growing weeds. It has been many years since I grew my first weeds after that I was more careful about what I pulled up. Used to have a book that showed what plants looked like when they were just starting. It was a big help when I grew some carrots - there was a weed that looked a lot like carrots when they first start but thank goodness I figured out what the carrots looked like before I pulled them up.

Weather is still nice and cool in the mornings here but by the afternoon the a/c needs to be on. What we really need now is rain. People can't even use their sprinklers now to water their lawns they have to use a hose. I worry about all the leaves around my place but there are too many for me to rake up. I have a big oak tree that I have to park under and the front of my truck is loaded with leaves and pollen every morning. I will be glad when the leaves stop falling but the news says we are going to have the pollen for a while.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Now that the weather has warmed up I couldn't wait to get some pots and buy a banana pepper plant. I didn't know what I was going to put in the other pot till I saw the egg plants and remembered that I had grown them in pots before and they did good.

The pots are sitting on an out side bench that my sis gave me. I didn't want to cover up too much of the nice picture that is on the top of the bench. Here's hoping that my plants grow.

Bought a little too much dirt so I think I may be putting something else in a pot later on. I would like some flowers - just don't know what yet.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Aren't they lovely. I actually found some nice red geraniums to put in the porch planter that my dear sis gave me - she even mounted it for me with a little help from me. Geraniums are suppose to be easy to grow and I really like the red color.

Been busy with the doctor's office. He is going to take a look down in my stomach and see how my ulcers are doing. I think the medicine he gave me has worked wonders and as long as I am careful not to over eat everything is fine. My stomach doesn't hurt so I hope he finds that they have gone away. No acid reflux either.

It has turned warm here in the Sunshine State. Things are blooming all over and pollen is all in the air. We haven't had any rain to wash the air clean. I have to park under an oak tree and the front of my truck is turning yellow from the pollen. I guess I could rinse it off once in a while but I feel guilty about wasting water. We are in a sever drought here now and they are fining people for watering their lawns on the wrong day. People can only water once a week. It will be another month before our rainy season starts. I hope we can hold out till then and that it rains a lot.

Monday, March 09, 2009


It must be near spring because my amaryllis is busting out with flowers.

My it bloomed fast. I have another pot of amaryllis that is getting ready. I hope they are the double ones.

I have been exploring ordering books to read from the library on line and got my first two books delivered to my local library the other day. I am almost finished with the first one and since I like the author I think I will be ordering more of her books. Just finished reading Marley and Me by John Grogan. They made a movie of it but I haven't seen it. The book was so funny in parts that I was laughing with tears in my eyes. If you like books about dogs and get a chance to read it do so. I will be looking for the DVD of the book but I don't know how they can do justice to the book.

Monday, March 02, 2009


Here is my shelf all dressed up with my angels and a beautiful wooden bowl. Haven't decided yet what to hang on the bar beneath the shelf but one of these days I will come upon something and say oh, yes that would be just right.

Chilly here yesterday and today. Suppose to be in the thirties tonight. For us that live in the Sunshine State that is cold enough for us. We don't have many days to wait then we will be back up in the eighties. Soon it will level off and we will be wishing we had these cool days back.

Have to make a trip to the library Tuesday - I am almost out of reading material. I know that seems silly since I have so many books of my own but I want new books to read. My reading has slowed down a bit. I didn't have much luck with the books I checked out last time - three of them were just unreadable. I like mysteries that keep you guessing and that have a lot going on. I did check out one of Sharon Sala's books and it was so good I went on line and ordered two more of her books - hope they are as good as the one I read.