At last the big day - Steve got to go back to the doctor to see how things were doing in his arm. This time they took exrays and everything looked fine. By the time we got home he went to Cora, the therapy place to get the stack of papers they want you to fill out and I went in the opposite direction to get his prescription filled.
Steve had some stiches coming up through his skin. First the doctor's assistant tried to cut them off but didn't get any where. When the doctor came in he just took those tweezers grabbed hold of those stiches and pulled them up far enough to cut them off and the rest went back inside.
Steve's spirits are up as are mine now we begin over again but we are hoping for the best this time. Where ever this path leads us I guess we need to follow it.
I checked those papers over carefully and even asked the doctor if he was going to put Steve back to work - he laughed and said no - not yet.
As for me I have doctor's coming out of the wood work wanting me to go see them. I have COPA and when I went to the clinic for my sore throat they took exrays to see if I had pneumonia - well they saw something on the exrays and wanted me to come back in - it took some explaining to get through to them that I already had a pulmonary doctor and I had just seen him - all the time I was talking to her she was relaying what I was saying to some one else. We got it sorted out. The doctor I saw that day at the clinic was not my usual one. She knows what is going on with me.
La, de, da, de, da - that was suppose to be singing - I get to spend a few days with my sister next week. A mini vacation. She is going to pick me up and we are going to have lunch. Everyone has been telling me how good the new Chinese resturant is in Riverview and how cheap it is - buffet style so I am going to suggest that.