
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Saturday, October 25, 2008


My daughter has me totally hooked on the show 'Lost'. For those of you who don't know what it is it is about a group of people whose airplane crashed on a strange island. There are lots of characters and lots of story lines. I get it on the Sci Fi channel Monday nights starting at seven then they show four shows in a row. I had the opportunity to start from the beginning of the show so I know what is going on. Unless you watch it regularly you become lost. It is like a soap opera. So I am hooked on the show.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Post in a tree

Went outside to take a picture of a post that a tree had grown around and this little fellow was sitting on top of it and just sat there and posed for me. You may have to enlarge the picture to see him good.
How many years did it take for this tree to wrap around this post? The post must be made of some hard wood since it hasn't rotted away. Just thought it was it interesting thing.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Law and Order CI

I have to admit it I have been a fan of Law and Order Criminal Intent since it began. I liked the characters of Ames and Goren the best. I really didn't care for the character Noth played but.....
they are adding another of my favorite actors to the cast - Jeff Goldblum. I have always thought of him as a well rounded actor and am looking forward to see how he does in Law and Order CI.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Found this picture on the web of some bougainvillea. Right now the bush by my house looks more like sticks and a few leaves but maybe if I start caring for it it may reward me with blooms like these.

Need to buy another hose to go at the back of the house - thank goodness there is a facet there. Some fertilizer when the weather starts warming up - I need to look into how to care for a bougainvillea.

Quiet day today. Thought I had missed the trash this morning but it was running late so I was able to get my little bit of trash out to the road and just wait till they emptied my trash can. The neighbors did the same thing.

My Chives

At last I repotted some of my chives. They have been in the same pot for years. The people who lived here before left some long planters and I got one of those and put some of my chives in. I still need to get a bigger pot. The one the chives have been in is getting pretty old.

It was seventy three degrees here this morning. It was nice and cool for me to mess with my plant. Here it is going to be cold soon and I have the itch to plant something. Oh well, winter won't be around for long. Things haven't been turning brown yet but they will soon.

Just took my neighbor down to the post office in Gibsonton - she is a much older lady and I told her any time she needed a ride to ask me. I had to put gas in my truck anyway. When I got back my clothes I was drying were done. My post office box is in Riverview the other way from Gibsonton - just checked my mail yesterday so I think I will wait till Sunday to check it again.

Going to be a quiet day. I should get to work on my crochet project today.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mended Hole?

Well I followed the instructions that my sis in Ohio gave me and tried to catch all the knitted ends. You can't tell from the picture but it is a little bumpy. I hope it holds though because my poor daughter is so busy all the time I don't like to bother her with making me a new pair of socks. Besides I really liked this pair. My toes tend to cramp if they get chilly even if the rest of me is warm. I know it is poor circulation in the feet but that comes with diabetes and getting older. Caught between elevating my feet for the swelling and my toes cramping because they are elevated and not getting the circulation they need.

My crochet project has gone into the second phase and if I keep up this pace I will have everything done by Christmas.

I have finished the book 'Garden Spells' and really liked it. I just may read it again before the book discussion at the library. Never been to a book discussion so I am looking forward to.

Corner of my house

This is the corner of my house. You can see a couple of bushes on the side - one of them is a bougainvillea which I have always wanted but was never able to grow. Now I have one but can't really start caring for it except to water it because it is too late in the year to fertilize it but I am looking forward to spring. Thank goodness there is another facet behind the house now all I have to do is buy another hose to put back there. The hose I have in front is too big to drag around the house - I am not sure it would reach any way.

Now that cooler weather is settling in I am getting the itch to plant something but can't because that cooler weather may turn into colder weather and kill anything I plant. I am going to divide my chives though. The people who lived here before left behind a nice long planter with good soil in it so I pulled the weeds and moved it next to my other plants. Now I just have to get the energy to go do it. I looked all over for my rubber gloves and foundly found them so I won't get dirt in my nails and on my hands - that isn't being picky it is just that I am crocheting a project right now and don't want ground in dirt on my hands.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sob, sob - a hole

My favorite pair of socks to keep my feet warm sprang a hole. My toes where cold and I pulled them out to put them on and there it was the mystery hole. How it got there I really don't know and I haven't a clue as how to mend it since it is knitted.

These socks are very special to me because my daughter made them for me one Christmas a few years ago. She is the knitter in the family. She is so busy now adays with work and her Etsy shops I don't know if she would have time to make me a new pair. Or maybe she can tell me how to mend it.

Alas poor socks, you served me well and now we must bid aduie.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Home Away From Home

It is hard to believe that I live behind Wal Mart - not right behind but a street over. It takes me less then five minuets to get there. My home away from home.
This is where I usually park at the Garden Center because there are parking spaces and I don't buy much at a time so it is easy to just check out in the garden center.
Tried to get some pictures of the inside but couldn't get but one with no one in the picture. All those goodies and so few dollars.

When the Wal Mart first opened they had benches through the store for people to rest on but they did away with them to make room for new merchandise. They also did away with their cloth section which means now the closet to us to buy cloth is Brandon about a thirty minuet drive away - fighting traffic all the way.

Wal Mart prices are good on most things but I still have to go to my Winn Dixie for some things Wal Mart doesn't have.

Today is a holiday for Federal workers. I mailed a bill off but didn't bother to go inside to check my mail. If anything was in my box it would be bills. I want to put that off as long as I can.

Since it is a holiday I think I will kick back with some music and read the book I got from the library.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Made it to the library in time to get a book for the book discussion group. Couldn't get a picture of the library sign as there were cars parked there and a tree was hanging down in front of it.

The book that the discussion group is reading this month is 'Garden Spells' by Sara Addison Allen - I have already started reading it and it looks interesting.

My daughter had the privilege of meeting the author at a book fair in Georgia and even got a signed edition of her second book. My daughter was thrilled that I was reading Allen's book. She is sure I will really enjoy it.

The Riverview Library is a nice place with lots of trees around it. They are in the process of extending their parking spaces since they don't have enough for everyone who wants to go to the library.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

White Horse

When I came home this morning the white horse was standing at the fence like hey you took the brown horse's picture yesterday it's my turn.

Did a little running around today but put off putting gas in my truck. For some reason the traffic was heavy this morning. Tomorrow is Sunday so in the morning there won't be too much traffic. It is hot already today. We are suppose to get some cool weather though soon.


At last both horses were near the fence and I was able to get some pictures of them. It is hard to believe that I live behind a Super Wal Mart yet still have horses as neighbors. I have been trying to get pictures of them for a long time. I was going to Wal Mart and had my camera in my purse when I went out to get in the truck and there they were. I didn't want to get too close and maybe scare them but the brown horse put his head over the fence making for a nice picture. You can see the white one off to the side.

At the old place I had one white horse for a neighbor here I have a white and a brown horse. They are very well cared for. It makes me feel like I am still in the country.

Everyone around here has cats. There are cats all over the place - some friendly some wild. I miss Moocher but I know he had another home he was eating at because he would disappear for days and always looked well fed. I never could find him. All the moving and the kids being there scared him off.

Though I am glad I don't have the kids to take care of any more I still miss them. Steph's two oldest girls are in Maryland with their dad and Steph and the baby are in Illinois with her husband. I don't know where Dawn is she hasn't called. It seemed like things just feel apart after Steve died. I got through yesterday but was tired.

Thanks to all who left comments on my post.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Today marks six months since Steve died. It only seems like a short time. He is still missed very much. The tree is from Simmons Park where he liked to fish.
Steve cleaned up really nice when he wanted to. This picture was taken about four years ago. He hadn't yet started getting his hair cut short.
This is what he loved to do best was fish. Even after he hurt his arm he managed to fish a little with a buddy even though he paid for it later with his arm hurting. He couldn't cast the rod so had to do a little side ways throw. He caught some fish too.
This is Steve as a young boy - his father gave him a blot of ground to grow strawberries on. Steve grew them sold them and used the money to buy his first car. He always found something to do when young like mowing so he wouldn't have to ask his parents for money.

Steve taught me a lot about life. Until I met Steve the men in my life hadn't been all that good. I learned from him that a man can love his children and grand children unconditionally. He loved me and always remembered the holidays and the day we started officially going together. I knew him for thirteen years. He will forever be missed.

He also taught me how to cook. For a lot of years in my marriage I could only cook a certain way and Steve taught me that I can add onions to things and how to fix his version of soft tacos,and how to make a really good tuna salad. I remember the first time I tried to make hamburgers - they fell apart so I threw a can of Manwich in it and we had Manwich sandwiches. Steve told me to add just a little flour to the hamburger and they would stay together. He also liked to add a package of Lipton Onion soup mix. My hamburgers got better after his advice.

It is still hard to accept that he is gone. He wouldn't have wanted to live with what they had to do to him even if he hadn't had the massive stroke. He will forever remain my love in my heart.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Lost Packages

Found out where my packages have been disappearing to. When I hadn't received supplies for my cpap machine twice I called them up again and they suggested that I ask the neighbors. Well I went up to the trailer in front of my house and asked there but no packages as I was leaving I glanced at the porch next door to them and there was a package there - I decided to check and see if it was for me - it was. The people who live there are away for a while but someone must be checking their mail for them.

I put more numbers on what is actually the front of my house hoping that UPS will see it. The cpap suppliers are also going to tell UPS they have been leaving the packages at the wrong place.

To top it off yesterday for some reason the trash people didn't empty my trash can so now I have to wait till Friday and put it back out there. It was sitting a little apart from the others because no one had put theirs out when I put mine out. Friday I am going to put it right next to the road or rather Thursday night because they come early in the morning on Fridays.

Things are going along pretty good. Hooked up the VCR that my sis gave me. I started taping Lost Monday night because it seems I always fall asleep - where I live the Sci Fi channel shows four hours at a time on Monday night thus the taping but guess what yep - didn't go to sleep.

Nothing else much going on right now. Still haven't been able to get a picture of the horses next door.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Bargain Chair

After realizing that I had no where for any company to sit I took myself off to the mission to drop off the stuff I have had in the back of the truck for weeks and check out the chair situation. I hit it just right - they had so many recliners and chairs that they were selling them for five dollars each. The one I picked said ten dollars on it but the lady gave it to me for five. There are no tears or worn spots it just needed a little cleaning with some Resolve and it looks fine. I get tickled to find such bargains since I live on a fixed income.

Looking forward to the weekend - I get to see my sis. I have to take pictures. We plan on going yard saleing and thrift store shopping see what kind of treasures we can find that we can't live without.