A long day but a nice one. Sis and I went to Jo Ann's and I found the most wonderful book - 'Crocheting School' - A Complete Course - there doesn't seem to be an author. It is just full of how to do different crocheting. The pictures and instructions are clear. One of my down falls has always been how to join blocks of crochet - just glancing at the book it shows several ways. I didn't get a chance to look at it last night but put it's own bookmarker in it. The best part of the deal was the book was $24 but I had a 50% off coupon. Thanks Sis for us going to Jo Ann's.
Jo Ann's also had fiber fill on sale and I had a bright idea that I would buy two bags and put them in my pillow shams for the bed - didn't work they are too small - but I may just get two more bags and stuff the shams like a pillow - it is just for looks anyway.
We found a few yard sales - nothing too special - found a pot to repot my bamboo in. Found a cake pan at an estate sale but I had to get out of there - too many people - Sis shares the closed in, too crowed, feeling with me and ended up not getting anything - by the time she got up there the check out line was all the way out the living and into the kitchen. We much prefer yard sales where it is in the open.
It was a nice day to yard sale even though we didn't find many. Cloudy but not raining. The sun did come out when we were wrapping it up.
We stopped at Salvation Army also - I can not believe the prices they have on things- I found two books that didn't have a price on them anywhere and was ready to pay two dollars for them, hardbacks, but the cashier said how about a dollar and I said OK - so I did end up getting a deal there. One book is a novel - for fifty cents if I don't like it I will donate it to the library - which is where it will end up any way after I read it. The other book was a college text on writing - just glancing through it I saw a lot of things that will help me write better.
I am on the last block of color for the small pink afghan then the border. Think I will take a break and work on the frogies before tackling the blue afghan - I know I said I may not do it but that was when the A/C was out and it is hot with an afghan sitting in your lap. Once again I don't know how the ladies a hundred years ago did it. I suppose if you never had air conditioning your body would adjust but I am spoiled - I have to have my A/C.