
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Monday, April 30, 2007

A Bloom

My eggplant bud bloomed - It is such a pretty flower. My marigolds are starting to bloom.

Well, for those who want to know super glue won't hold under water. Moocher's feed bowl was lose this morning. My next stop is Wal Mart sporting goods for some glue that is meant to hold under water. It surprised me about the super glue I thought it would stick anything together.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hot Pepper

If you look real close you will see my first hot pepper. I think if I leave it on the bush it will turn red.

Have been having a time with Moocher's food dish. Yesterday the water in the pie pan was full of ants and some had made it to the food. Moocher also moves the dish when he eats so the edge touches the edge of the pie tin and the ants have a bridge. I think I have it now - I have taken a deep sided pie pan and super glued Moocher's bowl to the bottom. I have water in it now to see if it is going to hold. Super glue is suppose to hold anything but I don't know if it is water resistant.

Friday, April 27, 2007


If you look real close you can see a bloom starting on my egg plant. I thought the bush would have to get bigger but I guess not. Been a long time since I ate an egg plant that I grew. Oh, I am just tickled about how my potted garden is doing this year.

Tried my hand at broiled pork chops last night and they ended up like show leather. I am going to have to rethink this broiling thing.

Just a week to the family reunion and a couple of days after that I am off to Georgia. Can't wait to see my daughter. We always have fun. She is very artistic and has her own store to sell her crafts in. It is on Etsy - the address is in my list of blogs. I don't know why it came out the way it did but you can copy and paste the address to see it.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


My eggplants - top two pictures - are doing great. I think the plant has to get a little bigger before it sets blooms can't wait. My hot pepper bush is blooming all over and starting to set peppers.

I can't figure out how to post right under the pictures. When I try the code starts disappearing. Any hints?

Pesky Little Critters

Having second thoughts on feeding the squirrels. The pesky little critters found out where I keep the corn and are slowing trying to chew their way in. I keep my gardening stuff in the container too so I don't want a hole to be in it. Maybe I can buy another container and have one just for squirrel food and they can chew to their little hearts content.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

New Doctor

This is an old picture of Steve after one of his operations but he is smiling. He went to the new doctor Monday and has good news - not only did the doctor spend some time with him and examined him but is going to set up some more tests to see if perhaps Steve has a pinched nerve and that is why his shoulder hurts so much and jumps like a spasm.

We are hoping that things go well. It takes time for the worker's comp people to OK the tests but we are hoping they don't wait too long. Steve hates the thought of another operation but if that is what it takes then he will have to go through it. The second operation left him worse off then before so you can understand he is nervous about another one.

My plants are doing good. Lots of blooms on the pepper plant and all the tomato plants are starting to bloom now. Can't wait till there are some tomatoes.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Looks like summer is here. Tempertures in the 80s and longer days. Snowbirds better high tail it home before the dreaded melt down - see picture. My sis gave me the Florida snow people.

Steve surprised me with some deviled crabs Friday. He was near the meat market and decided to buy some ribs - between me and him and sometimes Dawn we manage to barbque pretty good. Dawn mowed our little bit of grass yesterday. In a couple of months it will be a year she has been with us. She really isn't any problem but Steve is urging her to save some money so she can get a car.

Well it looks like I may be going to Georgia for a week soon. I have all my email address and think I have it figuered out how to check my mail. My a family reuion and a trip to Georgia - fun time - no time to feel depressed. Just looking forward to seeing my daughter makes me feel better. Hope she has the time to go around to some of the thrift stores - she is following in my foot steps on bargain hunting. I just love thrift shops because you never know what you will find.

Time to eat a bite - hum that last deviled crab sounds good.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

First Bloom

I am as excited as a kid at Christmas - my tomato plants are starting to bloom. It is going to be hard not to pick them green and have fried green tomatoes. The plants are growing very fast.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Almost panicked here there are several trucks doing work on some poles in the driveway and my cable went out. Every since the electric guy cut our phone line I don't trust those guys working on stuff. Called my cable company and by the time I reached a real live person the cable came back on.

My doctor's visit went well. I don't know why I stress out over it. I am doing so good he set my next appointment for six months - unless something comes up. Found out I was taking two of my medicines the wrong way - just had them reversed but it didn't seem to hurt me.

Steve just came home and brought me some deviled crabs so I guess I am going to go and have one. Wasn't that sweet of him.


I am sitting here at one thirty in the morning unable to sleep for wondering what the doctor may find tomorrow. I have a breathing test first then see the doctor. I can't eat or drink anything before the test and it is at nine in the morning - so I know I am really really going to miss that cup of coffee. Was counting backwards and I can get up at five and have a cup of coffee and it would still leave four hours before my appointment.

Had to set the alarm clock and found out the alarm part no longer works. We haven't used it for so long we didn't know it was broke. Steve still has it in his room so he can see what time it is in the night and I have the new one with a nice loud alarm in my room. It came to me earlier that I hadn't checked to see where to turn the alarm off - good thing I did because it is a button on the side of the clock. I could just see me trying to figure out how to turn the alarm off and waking everyone in the house.

The tomatoes are growing by leaps and bounds. I think I spotted what may be the first blooms. I will just have to haul the camera out and get a picture. The marigolds are doing fine. I hope they grow fast. It doesn't look like I am going to get to buy anymore flowers this month - budget, ugh. Next month though a six pack of something that's flowers not beer.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wal Mart

Went to Wal Mart early this morning. No flowers jumped in my buggy this time but I have plans.

Had to pick up butter which I kept forgetting till we were down to wiping out the container. Of course a few others things made there way into my buggy including a beautiful color t-shirt that was just my size and only a little over six dollars.

Been doing some investigation about how to get my email from a different computer and think I have it figured out. Even got my email address that will take me to my manage posts. Hope this all works when I go to Georgia. Taking email addresses with me just in case.

We still haven't set a date for my vacation yet. I look forward to seeing the doggies and the cat and of course my daughter and her hubby. It is amazing that the dogs remember me every time I go to my daughter's.

Steve's family reunion is coming up soon but that will only be a couple of days and I have no access to a computer there. The neighbor is going to feed Moocher for us. He is going to get can food for the couple of days we will be gone. That way I can just leave the cans on the porch and she can feed him.

Time to get busy doing something. I want to do my floors but just don't feel up to it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Went to Wal Mart this morning to buy cat food and of course I had to park where you enter at the garden center and of course I had to walk by all those gorgeous flowers and of course a pack of marigolds found their way into my buggy so I have planted the first flowers of the summer. I am going to have to take stock of what flower pots I have and how much dirt I will need before I buy any more flowers.

The second picture is our driveway looking at the field where the horse lives. You can see the gravel and when it is dry dust comes up from it every time someone drives in or out.


My sister has a new store to sell her art work it is on Etsy

I don't know why that didn't light up but you can copy and paste it into your address box. She only has a few things on there right now. I hope she puts some of her sculptures on there. She also makes these little cards that seem to be the rage now.

Take a look see - pass the word around. Art I just shameless in promoting my sis!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Amaryllis Bulbs

Got my amaryllis bulbs separated and in different pots. One pot was so full it was breaking. I am ashamed I neglected for so long but they seemed to be growing OK.

Tomatoes aren't growing as fast as they should because of our cold snaps they slow everything down. We are going to warm up now so I hope things start growing. My hot pepper bush has blooms on it that didn't seem to get hurt by the cold.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Running around turning out lights a big thunderstorm just went over us and now the sun is coming out. It turned dark as midnight here for a while. Sure hope we get more rain today - we need it.

AIP's Saturday post about cleaning got me to thinking about doing the floors but today is Sunday and you aren't suppose to work on Sunday. Steve used to do the floors until he hurt his arm now it is hard for him to sweep and mop but he can still run a vacuum cleaner with one arm if it isn't for very long. I try and leave things that he can do with one arm for him. He makes his bed - so what if it doesn't always hang just right it gives him something to do and I never say anything unless it is good about his bed.

Found out that 7:30 in the morning is a good time to go to Wal Mart. I sleep with a little fan going as I can't stand stuffy air and the noise drowns out other noises. Well the latest fan I bought was a little box fan and it fell over and the motor burned out. Now me the one who saves receipts and boxes, etc failed to save this one so off I went to Wal Mart and found a different fan so I could sleep.

gotta go fix Steve's coffee.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


We are getting high tech around here. When the phone was out the other day the lady I spoke with said she saw that we had a lot of trouble on our line so she offered to hook us up to fiber for free. Needless to say I jumped at the chance to get the fiber cable for free. Everyone will be switched over in the future and I am sure the phone company is going to start charging for it. I didn't realize how big the box was they were going to put inside but it is in the corner and the end table is in front of it. There is a battery pack that allows us about two hours to use the phone if the electric goes out. Before I would have to plug in the hard wired phone because the cordless won't work without electricity.

No more rain for now. It has been in the 80's and is suppose to be the same today then we have another cold front coming. I hope it doesn't hurt my tomato plants. If it looks like it is going to get too cold I will cover them up.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Pork Chops

Can't you just smell the barbque smoke? I picked up some nice pork chops at the store and after our afternoon nap (is that a sign of second childhood?) between us we managed to turn out some pretty tasty pork chops. At last I discovered where they keep the baked bean at Winn Dixie - it is at the opposite end from where the coleslaw is. You would think they would have them in the same place since they are packaged and cold.

My sister is thrilled her daughter and two grand babies are going to come visit over Mother's Day in May. She hasn't seen them in a while they aren't really babies any more. I know she will get loads of pictures and I hope to see them too - I have never even seen the kids. I can never remember which state they live in but it isn't Florida.

Still haven't found a purse that I like. Took the last one back after looking at it for two or three days. Guess I will just wash up old tried and true and people will think I don't own another purse - I do of course a couple of smaller ones to go out with but when it comes to going anyplace I have a ton of stuff I want to carry. My inhalers, my medication, camera (s), tissues, just a lot of stuff. Oh well I will keep looking.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


The rain must have brought out a lot of bugs because these curlews in the neighbor's yard look like they are having a feast. They were closer but when I opened the door they moved.

Sun is out again today but we did get a little more rain last night. Don't have to water the tomatoes but I think it is time to feed them again. Need to keep track on the calender. We have a variety of free calenders we received this year but the one we use most is a small calender we have on the book case where it is handy. It makes it easier to keep track of appointments.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Had to go to the drug store and put my prescriptions in and low and behold there were two small boxes of peeps left needless to say I grabbed them and a nice box of dark chocolate Queen Anne cherries. I still don't trust my stomach to indulge myself but any day now. I guess I was just so sick around Easter I didn't even think of my peeps.

Well the sun has come out here now. I hope we get more rain. My tomatoes are growing by leaps and bounds - more pictures are coming. My hot pepper bush has blooms and what looks like a couple of peppers on it already. Steve's friend tried to get him to bring home a large tomato in a container and try to fool me into thinking Steve had planted it - thank goodness Steve told him I wasn't that dumb since I am the one who did all the planting. Steve's friend's garden is in the ground and was planted long before mine so he is starting to get tomatoes and squash and cucumbers.

Seems to be all the exciting news for now. Looking forward to the family (Steve's) reunion. We are already making plans. I have the most important thing already packed - coffee. From past experiences the hotel doesn't give you enough coffee and only two little packets of creamer. I go prepared this year - creamer and coffee.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Wet Stuff Falling

It has been so long since we have had any amount of rain that this is very welcome. It looks like it has settled into a nice drizzle that hopefully may last all day.

Hey, my truck will get the dust washed off of it. The drive way next to us is dirt and with the dry weather every time someone drives down it a cloud of dust covers our trucks. I have no idea what those people do that live at the end of the road but they are in and out all the time. Some one must be sick back there because medical supply trucks sometimes go back there and I am sure that is a visiting nurse who comes every day. Maybe they use any excuse to go to the store to get out a bit. I would go introduce my self but they don't seem like a friendly bunch.

Our new neighbors are a quiet couple thank goodness. Now one more to go and we will all be a quiet little group here. Land lord was here trying to get the rent from the people who live in the last trailer - it must be a habit with them to be late. I wouldn't mind seeing them go.

Still raining - that is wonderful.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Feeling Better

I am feeling better today - just picked up some bug.

Here are a few pictures from babysitting the other day. The top one is Jasmine and the baby Marissa, even Grandpa was able to help with the baby with one arm now that she is bigger of course when it came to a loaded diaper I had to take over. The last picture is a self portrait Jasmine took of herself with my camera. She wanted to take a picture but didn't wait to turn the camera around. We had fun but that is why they are grand kids they get to go home with Mom at the end of the day.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Been Sick

I have been sick for the last few days so haven't checked my email - I was very happy to read all the comments and jokes.

Steve and I took care of the two little ones for Steph on Wednesday and I guess I picked up something from the kids. I am feeling a bit better now but still can't eat anything.

We really had fun with the baby and Jasmine they are very well behaved and if the baby is starting to grab something she shouldn't all you have to say is no and she leaves it alone. I was asleep when they dropped them off so Steve got to watch them for a while by his self. Later he got to take a nap while I watched them.

Time for me to lay back down for a while. I think I am running a fever still so I guess I better take something for that.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The tomatoes now have their cages - I hope not to repeat last year when they were falling all over the place. The second picture is our stairs - I know they don't look like much but when my knees are hurting it might as well be a hundred steps to climb up.

Let's hope I grow some good tomatoes and egg plants this year. Did you know that you can keep growing egg plants if you protect them from cold weather? I had one years ago that I kept growing for two years - of course the eggplants started to get smaller but it was fun to see just how long the plant lasted.

Ants solved

Thanks to Tanya Moocher's ant problem is solved. A pie plate with some water and his dish fits just nicely in it - I went ahead and put it out this morning early and so far no ants and Moocher doesn't seem to be having a problem eating. Thanks Tanya.

Did some running around this morning - post office, grocery store, the dreaded bank where I had to take some money out. Rent is coming up soon and I just hate to take money out of the bank I guess I figure the longer I can leave it in there the longer I will have it but I am broke by the end of the month any way because of those pesky bills that I have to send off.

My lovely daughter sent me another book about Southern life and says it is really funny can't wait to dive into it. I'll let you know how good a read it is. My daughter is a librarian so she knows books. Not only is she a librarian but she is assistant librarian where she works.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Pink Flamingos

My mother gave me this beautiful pair of salt and pepper shakers. They have their own little holder and they have pink flamingos on them. If we didn't rent and it was my yard I would have pink flamingo statues all over the place. I never think to buy things for myself with flamingos so now everyone will know I like pink flamingos and angels.

It looks like we are going to babysit today. Just the two little ones the other two are in school. We haven't seen them for a while. OK I think blogger is trying to keep me from posting so I better see if this posts.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


At last my mother and I were able to make connections and she gave me the Christmas presents that others had left at her house for me. I know this is April but things just kept getting in the way. I have them now. My sis in Ohio gave me an angel. She is a very cute angel and fits very nicely with the angels I have out on my counter.

Spring fever has me but all I have gotten so far is veggies - I have to see what pots I have to put flowers in. At least it is getting me out side some and I have to go up and down the dreaded stairs - I just refuse to let those stairs keep me from gardening any more. Most of the time it is one step at a time but sometimes I can make it almost to the top then have to stop before the last step up onto the porch.
I know this must be very interesting.

Moocher is eating back in the house now - I got tired of him leaving a little food in his dish and ants getting all over it and the porch. We just let him out when he is finished. Every since Dawn came to live with us and she has her daughter every other weekend, Moocher does not want to stay in the house.

Time to post this. Blogger has been being good to me lately let's hope it keeps up.