
crochet, life, and a little of everything

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Just Being Lazy

Day started off slow. At least I got some sleep last night. Met our new neighbor and the first thing she asked if it was quiet around here because she goes to bed early and gets up early - it was music to our ears because that is what my room mate does and we like it quiet.
My room mate called everyone he knows to tell them about his new truck. Even the main boss - owner of the company saw it.
Well most of the left overs are gone - a little turkey still there that needs to go in the trash and Thanksgiving is over.
Now Xmas - have to get busy can't put it off any longer.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Just sitting here listening to the rain and Laura Love on the stereo. Started raining last night and hasn't stopped.
Spent some time juggling my doctors around because there is no way I am going to get out and drive all the way to Brandon in this wind and rain. Just put off my knee doctor till Friday - I can stand it till then.
Was talking to my mom till her phone went dead - maybe she lost her electric down there. I am surprised we haven't lost ours.
For some reason Moocher wants to go out in the rain - he gets under the porch - guess he likes the fresh air. Well despite my good intentions Moocher had some turkey for Thanksgiving and the day after and the day after that - think it is time for the bits and pieces to go now so he will be back on cat food.
Room mate bought a new truck over the weekend - haven't been able to take a picture because of the rain.
I guess this is a good day for me to just curl up and crochet - there is no cleaning that is begging to be done - even if it was I don't think I would get to it today. The most pressing thing I have to think about is what to fix for dinner.
I thank everyone out there for helping me out this Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Slept better last night then I have in a while. Unfortunately I believe it is because I am coming down with whatever it was that little Jerrica had Thanksgiving Day. I have to be so careful and catch things early or I end up getting really sick.

My room mate wants to go trade his truck in for another one. He puts so many miles on his truck because often he drives almost fifty miles one way to reach a job. He wants me to go with him. When he bought his last truck he said they kept him up there five hours and he didn't take his reading glasses. This time we go in and tell them to make a deal and if nothing is happening in an hour we are gone. I think he can get something with lower payments and way lower interest then he is paying now.

Time to get started on Xmas things again. I keep wanting to put up the tree but haven't had the energy. Oh, well it will get up before Xmas.

At least I do see my doctor for my knees Tuesday. The one is swelling up again. It is a pain getting old and parts wearing out.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Took me most of Friday to recover from Thanksgiving. It went well except the four year old was sick and slept most of the time.

Made a mad dash to Winn Dixie to buy a couple of pies - for the kids - who didn't eat any - I am slowly working on them though. The road was empty and I thought this is nice I am the only one out - I discovered where every one was when I arrived at the store - they were grocery shopping. Had to park way out from the store and I don't walk fast so it took me a while - when I got home my room mate said he was just getting ready to go look for me.

Turkey turned out nice. Stuffing on the side, candied yams, assorted vegetables and rolls made plenty for all of us - four adults and three children.

The last time the girls were here they left some baby dolls. The three year old got her's and was playing with it and when they were ready to go I asked her if she wanted to take her babies with her - she said she wanted to leave them with me for me to take care of - it was just too cute and they left the dolls with me to 'take care of'.

My poor room mate had to work Friday and Saturday - I really felt sorry for him and didn't tell him I had spent most of Friday napping and nibbling. He took a turkey sandwich with him to work so I knew he would not be able to face turkey or a big meal again so I suggested grilled cheese sandwich and soup and he said that was just what he was thinking of coming home. So we are getting back into a routine after the misunderstanding we had.

My mother and one sister and her husband went to a friend's from church. Talking to her later she said she thoroughly enjoyed it. My other sis was in Georgia and my brother went to his girlfriends so everyone had their own type of Thanksgiving. My family doesn't get together any more since my dad died - he was a cook and cooked all the holiday meals and it just doesn't seem right without him there.

Now comes the Xmas season. I could not believe what I was hearing on the news Friday about how people were acting at stores - I did the day after Thanksgiving shopping one time years ago and swore I would never do it again - the same with the after Xmas shopping. Now if you aren't in line the night before you don't get anything - not me, I would rather pay a little more and the 'must have' Xmas gifts - well they just have to wait till later in the year.

Hope everyone out there had a Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 24, 2005


The suspense is over - we will be having Thanksgiving here with room mate and his daughter and kids. When my room mate got home he accused me of not talking to him and I told him I thought he wasn't talking to me and didn't know what I did to make him mad. He said it was just this job he was on - it is really getting to him because the bosses don't seem to know what they are doing.
Earlier in the day I had sent a frantic email to my daughter telling her what was going on and she emailed back that he might be mad at something else and I just happened to be in the way. She was right.
Then my room mate asked if his daughter had called and I told him no - but I had called her several times and left messages and she had not returned them. So he called his daughter and asked me if the turkey I had bought was big enough - it is - so now they are coming over.
I did get to watch the other older grandchild for a while yesterday - I was having a hard time staying awake but made it till her dad picked her up. She likes to play on my computer - she is eight and can handle most of the games I have on here. She likes the mazes - which I have never mastered - and my fishing game where you have a little boat you drive around in and earn money by intering tournaments so you can up grade your equipment.
I looked at the clock wrong and thought that it was closer to morning. Getting a little excited now - much too early to take that turkey out. We are going to eat about one. The only thing I didn't buy was some pies. I wonder if I can find some in the morning.
Hope everyone out there has a Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Typing and Moocher

Moocher is desperately trying to get in my lap - well he is up here - one of these days he is going to start typing - my sister says to watch for paw prints on the keyboard.

Don't think this is going to be the happy Thanksgiving I thought it was - all of a sudden everyone is mad at everyone else - including my room mate at me and I don't even know why.

Even if it is just Moocher and me I will cook that turkey - I know Moocher will like it - even if no one else shows up. My room mate may go up to his sister's for Thanksgiving depending upon what I did to upset him. It doesn't look like his daughter is going to come over she is mad at her dad. Why do things fall apart just when you think everything is going OK?

I tried wrapping a few presents this morning but just didn't cheer me up especially when I found out I only had just enough tape to finish. New list for shopping - tape being first on the list.

Signing off for now - just too down to be cheerful - even faking it.

Monday, November 21, 2005


My adventure in going by myself to get groceries was a success except after I arrived home and took all the groceries in I had to take two pain pills. But it was fun to be able to look for bargains - I had money left - and not to be rushed around the store. Used my coupons.
After I got home I went ahead and got everything ready for the tacos except cooking the shells because I figured I would fall asleep once I sat down. Then my room mate came home earlier then I thought he would so I had to go ahead and cook some shells.
I am going to take it easy today.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Birthday Party

We arrived at just the right time. Once grandpa was there they let her have her presents. The child received a pile of clothes and toys. Some people had arrived while we were there. We had the cake which had a wonderful whipped cream icing on chocolate cake. My room mate usually doesn't eat sweets but he ate a big piece of cake and drank a couple of beers with it (I was driving)- he paid for it later by getting sick - told him he should eat at least a sandwich but no he felt too sick to eat.
Steph - the birthday girl's mom - called us after we had been home a few hours and said a lot more people showed up (we were glad we missed most of the kids) and they still had cake and pizza left after sending cake and pizza home with who ever would take it. I have a nice size piece of cake that I guess I am going to have to eat myself now - ah, the things we have to do.
Room mate is working Sunday so I get to go to the grocery store myself. I have enough to pay for my half of Thanksgiving dinner and my room mate gave me his half. The only problem I see is getting the bags in the house and I can set them on the porch then go up the stairs and carry one at a time in if I have to.
Tacos for dinner Sunday. They are easy to fix the way my room mate showed me - mostly just cutting up stuff and browning some hamburger. I fry the taco shells only till they bubble up then take them out while they are still soft. I found out that I like mine browned more and just pile the topping on top of it.
Think I am getting sleepy - sleep for a few hours but woke up choking. Maybe I can go back to sleep now.

Moocher and the Wal Mart Bag

Here is Moocher guarding the Wal Mart bag - he still thinks I am going to pull some treats out for him but alas I forgot. Too busy shopping for the little ones and my room mate this morning. Found the DVDs she wanted and a nice warm flannel shirt for my room mate. Well he is home now so I guess we will be going to the birthday party soon.

Ginger Lilly

This should be a picture of a lone ginger lilly blooming - showing just how unpredictable this Florida weather is.

Florida Weather and Colds

Afraid I have come down with a touch of cold - the weather this time of year in Florida is heat at night and A/C in the daytime. You layer your clothes because you don't know how hot the day may get. Fell asleep this morning - didn't want to - so now I am awake again in what for most is the middle of the night.

Took what I thought was pork chops out of the freezer but when I went to cook it I found out it was a roast. Too late to roast it then I had to slice it up and trim it up and fry it like pork chops. Turned out pretty good too. When I lived in the country I had a large upright freezer that I kept full. Strawberries, vegetables that I didn't can and we would usually once a year buy half a cow from my uncle. One year he had a milk cow that just would not breed so he had to turn her into steaks and roasts - that year the meat was really good. I know this may put some people off but I raised animals to eat. They were always treated with kindness by me because they were giving me and my family food.
My first pig I raised my then father in law came over and said he would kill it for us - he had a hand gun and the ammo must have been ancient - he kept firing at the pig till I at last said just stop. Told my ex to go get the rifle, got the pig some food and told them to let her calm down - most people don't know but if you kill an animal like a pig when it is upset it affects the taste of the meat. For once my ex and my father in law listened to me when I told my ex exactly where to shoot the pig he dropped her with one shot. I had to take a back seat then because they were going to butcher her - boy did they. Guess who did the pigs each year after that - you guessed it me. The only help I needed was getting it hung up because it was so heavy. I sort of miss those days but hey Winn Dixie has a lot of buy one get one free on meat down here and I divide it up and keep our little freezer full.

My room mate's grand daughter is celebrating her birthday tomorrow - Saturday and I get to go shopping for her. My room mate came home early from work Friday - he gets mad if others aren't doing their work right - he said a unit (a condo) was suppose to be ready for him to spray and he had to spend over an hour finishing up the preparation before he could spray it - this was after the worker told him it was ready to spray - they are suppose to have everything ready and all he has to do is go from unit to unit and spray. He says he would rather prepare it and spray it all his self - it would get done faster. I keep trying to tell him he is only hurting his self by letting them get him mad. Any way the result of all this going on was that they begged him to work Saturday because some owners were going to do a walk through of their new condo and it hadn't been sprayed yet. So that leaves me going shopping - with my room mates money - which I don't mind at all. Her Mom says she wanted the new 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' movie. I haven't seen it but my sister did and said it was OK for kids.

Guess I have rambled on enough for now. Been down memory lane and back to tomorrow.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Have to Get Going

Have to get going on the Xmas ornaments time is slipping away. Thanksgiving next week and all I have is two cans of cranberry sauce. It is all right I am used to having to make do so if I miss out on the foil pans and stuffing I will come up with something - shucks I can make my own stuffing with bread and I do have one can of chicken broth in the cupboard. I have two cake mixes and frosting - in case we miss the pumpkin pies - the easy ones already cooked. We - meaning my room mate - has not decided yet if he just wants a large turkey or a smaller turkey and a small ham. Personally I would just like turkey but since it is his family coming over it is his decision.

For some reason I just can't get into the holiday mood. I think it is what I am facing after Thanksgiving that is making me feel down. Four different doctors and one of them is way up in Tampa which means city driving which I am not comfortable with. Maybe my sis will take me and we can make a side trip to the yarn store we went to before. Also I am now regretting putting off my orthopedic doctor because my knees are hurting. I can do this I know I can - just have to get myself stirred up here and get on with it.

Another downer for me is not flying up to Georgia to be with my daughter - they used to fly me up there every Thanksgiving but for the last two years we haven't been able to do that. I miss her.

At least there will be a couple of little ones here to be running around underfoot and playing. Last time they were here they asked if they could call me grandma and I said yes why not 'grandma darling' because darling is what they usually call me. They have so many grandparents and step-grandparents that they hardly know what to call anyone. They like being with me because I do not ever ever put any of the assorted grandparents or parents be they step or not down - unlike some of the others who openly talk about how bad this one or that one is. They are children and don't know. I guess I am a little touchy on the subject because my ex at first was telling my son how Mom didn't love them any more and didn't want to be with him. I never put my ex down to my son. My son may be mentally impaired but he understands a lot more then people give him credit for.

Guess I have rambled on enough for now. Need to get myself cheered up - maybe I will put up the Xmas tree.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Blah Tuesday

Tuesday turned out being a blah sort of day. Nothing much going on and I couldn't get anything started. I think I miss my sis - her and her husband have gone to Kansas to her daughter's graduation - her masters - in computer sciences. Crystal has gone to school while raising her two children and talking care of her husband. She never stuck with anything when she was younger - I guess she just had to find the right thing - we are all very proud of her.

Got out Monday to pick up my medicines and go to Wal Mart - I think I will be glad when they get the new one built just down the road. Back to my trip - exchanged the toilet seat and the pair of pants for my room mate. I looked at every pair of pants on the display that was light in color and could not find the size to fit him so I had to get the darker pair - he keeps insisting that he can wear a 32 but I think he needs a 33 now - his belly hangs over his pants. That's all my good cooking hanging there and his beer.

I treated myself to two DVDs - 'The Pacifier' and 'A Man Apart' - both of them with Vin Diesel in them. He isn't a great actor and he does action better then comedy but I like him. I watched 'The Pacifier' yesterday and will watch the other movie today. I am not sure in what movie he caught my eye but if I had a son like him I would be proud. That is like Nicholas Cage - I have watched him grow up and become a very good actor handling a variety of roles. Cage has so many movies coming out right now I will have to remember to watch for them on DVD.

You may be wondering why I don't just go to the movies - well I will tell you I can't take the loud sound and the crowed in the dark with a lot of people anymore. Plus I can't stop the movie if I missed something. I would much rather watch it on my little TV screen (people tell me movies are so much better on the big screen). The only thing I miss is paying a fortune for snacks at the snack bar but I have my handy microwave and microwave popcorn - if I wanted movie candy my local Wal Greens carries most of those big boxes of candy.

It looks like we are going to get a cold snap down here for Thanksgiving. I believe the weather man said it would be in the 40s. Has winter arrived? Sometimes it is hard to tell in the south. A few cold days then it warms up - freezing one night mild the next. This Florida weather is unpredictable sometimes. We haven't had a real cold winter in some time now. I remember a cold one in the '80s when I was still in the country. I always insisted on having a gas stove - which saved us a lot of times because the electric would go out. That was Xmas eve - I had a new bunch of kittens, my dogs and cats and the neighbors pygmy goats who were new born in my house. The goats ended up in my house because he kept losing the kids and I told him to let me take the latest set that was born and take care of them for a while - I gave them milk from my dairy goat - they would have died if they had not been inside that night. To top it all off we had to go to my then husband's mother's house. I don't think there was a room in the house including bathrooms that didn't have an animal in it. We survied the night but it was cold - below freezing and they had to keep turning off our electric - what they called rolling blackouts - in the Philippines we used to call them brown outs. Everyone was glad that night that I insisted on having a gas stove - it kept us warm.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Here is my fake garden courtesy of the church sale. I just couldn't stand to see the empty pots sitting there and I am still not up to keeping anything alive except my big plants. By the time it warms up again - now that is a true southerner, we think it is cold if it gets down to fifty at night - I can toss those and plant real flowers. I miss the days when I had a real garden and grew not only flowers but real food. I always saved a spot to buy a packet of wild flower seeds and just spread them out and waited to see what would come up. Some years it seemed that spot just bloomed with wonderful flowers. I miss the tender green beans that I could just go out and pick just before cooking.

Last summer my room mate grew some tomatoes in a large planter they were tossing at work. I tried to tell him that even though the container looked large he should only put one or not more then two plants in it and it also needed more dirt. We did get quite a few tomatoes but the plants died quicker then they would have if they had not been so crowded. Now he is listening to me since I do have more experience in gardening in pots. He hopes to plant more tomatoes next year.

Fake Garden Posted by Picasa

Moocher Update

Moocher pulled a fast one on me last night. I cooked a little hamburger and I always drain it into this metal bowl - when it gets hard it is easy to wipe it into the trash. I left the bowl on the counter last night and when I picked it up to wash it I stood there looking at it thinking there was some grease in this bowl last night - I had just woke up and it took a minuet for the gears to get rolling - Moocher had jumped up on the counter during the night and helped hisself. No wonder he woke me up - after I had just gotten back to sleep - he had to go. His insides must have gotten a good greasing. A little grease a day is one of the remedies for hair balls but not that much! He hasn't come to the door yet this morning. I guess he is sleeping off his feast under the porch.

Hair Cuts and Getting Mad

My room mate and I went over to Fantastic Sam's (he had drank a couple of beers so guess what - I drove) we had our hair cut - why does it cost more for my hair cut then for his? Oh well I guess that is just the way it is. I don't know how much my room mate tipped the young lady for his hair cut but I tipped her pretty good for getting his hair short and doing a good job on mine.

From the hair salon to the grocery store - my room mate just doesn't understand that if you don't go ahead and buy some things like the aluminum pans and stuffing mix you may just be out of luck the week of Thanksgiving. I can manage though, I have a nice size roaster and there is always Stove Top Stuffing of some kind left. The tricky part will be getting the turkey because there is just no room in the freezer for it so we will have to get it about two days before Thanksgiving so it can thaw.

Lost my temper yesterday. I went to Wal Greens to pick up my prescriptions and was behind one lady - she got done - I should have been next - but no some lady who was having trouble with her insurance came up and the clerk started waiting on her. The clerk had to get on the phone. I was standing there for fifteen minutes and I don't even want to mention all the people behind me - even they started murmuring - well it wasn't me holding up the line. I had left my room mate in the truck with the groceries and I was tired my temper just flared up and I walked out. I will go back and pick them up today. I usually receive prompt and courteous service at Wal Greens - this clerk was someone I had never seen before.

I don't like losing my temper - I used to have a pretty good one. Touchy - taking things the wrong way but over the years I have calmed down. But service people are there to serve you and if they can't do the job then get out of service work. A few years ago I was in Winn Dixie and truthfully the lady in front of me should have said something - I watched the clerk try to check her out with the phone glued to her ear laughing and talking to someone and treating that lady like she was a bother. When I got up there I politely asked the clerk if she would finish her phone call after she had checked out my groceries. She gave me a dirty look and turned her back to me - I picked up my purse and I was going to leave but she hung up the phone just in time but then made another call to someone - I was steaming - I had come from work I was tired and had a meeting to go to so was really in a hurry. I did let her check out my groceries but went straight to the service desk and asked for the manager. After telling him what had happened he thanked me and said that if the customers didn't let management know things like that sometimes it gets over looked. I felt sorry for the poor woman in front of me who had to put up with very poor service. The manager knew me and knows a lot of my friends shop in that store and he was very upset. Any way that is why I lose my temper sometimes.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Another Sleepless Night

Can't seem to be able to go to sleep even with taking my medicine that makes me sleepy and a nice big cup of hot chocolate. I guess the day was too exciting for me. I still have time to sleep a few hours if I can get relaxed.
Thought I had found a couple of comforters that I could change into curtains for the big bedroom - to cut out the light and hopefully muffle some of the sound out side - but it was not to be - the price was $30 each I went to put them back where I got them and the yard sale lady got all huffy and told me that was a good deal - what did I expect to pay for comforters - I told her I just didn't have the money and she shut up. Some people expect high prices for things that are really just junk. Those were nice comforters but come on this is a yard sale.
Need to measure the window - haven't even done that. Maybe I will just buy another comforter like the one on it and turn it into drapes - then I will have two more pillow shams! I know I can use them for something - perhaps as a cloth on the nightstand.
Everything seems so quiet tonight. I bought a nice pair of head phones for 50 cents but have to buy an adapter for it to fit my stereo. I thought I had one but all I have are little to big adapters. I may have left it on the last head set I threw away. I am afraid I am not into Ipods and my computer is so old and slow it would take forever to download songs. I guess I am getting to be more like my grandmother she could just turn a TV on - without a remote. She never understood VCRs and things like that - she did learn to love her cordless phone though.
What I am trying to say is that there seems to be an age when the technology seems to pass you by and you just don't care.
Hey - I think I am getting a little sleepy. Maybe I can sleep a few hours.

Poor Kitty

I know what he is thinking: 'I will just lay here on this hard cold floor right next to my food dishes just in case my people change their mind and give me some people goodies.'
He is not starving he is eating his cat food and I am going to stock up on treats tomorrow for him. He will get over it and be back to his regular kitty food diet before long.

Nobody loves me Posted by Picasa

Help I am dying of hunger Posted by Picasa

Nice Pose

I really liked this pose Moocher got into it was hard to tell if he was trying to say he was starving to death (huh) or if he was trying to soften us up with his loving ways.

Foot Person Posted by Picasa

Foot Person

Here is my room mate who's foot Moocher is laying by.

Moocher and Foot Posted by Picasa

Mocher and foot

Since we stopped giving Moocher people food he won't leave us. He tries each one of us to see if we are going to give him some goodies. See the foot in the picture - it was my room mates turn.


Here is my bench I found at the church sale. My room mate says it looks like cherry to him - the real wood.

Cushman Bench Posted by Picasa

Yard Sales

Sis and I managed to find not only a couple yard sales but a church sale - it was hard tearing ourselves away from that one.
Found me some fake flowers to put in my pots till I can grow something again.
Years ago I had a Reader's Digest book 'Complete Guide To Needlework' it was a handy book to have around for the basics - found one at the church sale - looks brand new for one dollar.
All in all we had a good day. Now it is time to rest. Swelling has gone down so much in my foot that I was able to find a pair of shoes in my closet that I could get on now my feet are screaming 'Where are those sandals we have been wearing?'
Found one treasure a little bench that I thought I might be able to use for a foot rest (it is too tall) but when I was putting it in the car I turned it upside down and saw the metal plate on it. It is a Cushman custom piece and I paid $2.00 for it. All it needs is a little cleaning and it is set to go.
Sis and I may try a few more yard sales tomorrow - we may see if the church sale is still going on.

Veterens Day

Just finished reading Patchwork Reflections blog - she is so skilled with words and talks about WWII and family members who served their country.

My room mate is also a vetern - he served in Viet Nam. Sometimes he just takes Veterns Day off though his company doesn't regonize it. He went to work today though he really didn't want to.

Well my Sis is going to pick me up soon and off we go to get my -ugh- mammogram. My Sis and I have found we are great friends now that the kids are grown and gone and we have more time to spend with each other. She has such a calming influence on me that I don't even want to smoke while I am with her ( yes - I do that nasty smoking but one of these days I am going to have to just lay them down).

Poor Moocher we have been doing a no-no with him - giving him some people food and last night I let him finish my beefstew and macaroni (leftovers night) he climbed up in my lap and threw up in my lap. At least it wasn't on the furniture or carpet. But no more people food for him. Cat food and his hair ball treats is all he gets.

My sewing is going along fine - almost done with what I want to do right now and it is back to the crocheting - those froggies are still waiting for me and this is November already.

Time for me to get going. Maybe my Sis and I will see a yard sale or two or three or......

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Candy Canes Posted by Picasa


Haven't taken out the sewing machine for ages - now that I have gotten started it feels nice. Thinking of all kinds of things I may be able to make with the cloth I have already. Making a new cover for my computer chair - poor thing has had a couple of towels draped on it for a year. Have more fiber fill left so I think I will whip up a pillow for the seat.

I need to go through my material and see what I have since I haven't sewn in so long some of it may have gone bad. Then there is also the quilt. Ever since my room mate mentioned making him one (he has an electric blanket) and I saw the Patchwork blog my old quilt has been on the back of my mind. It really needs a new cover though it isn't torn it is faded. This is going to have to stay in the back of my mind until after Xmas.

The pipe cleaners worked out beautifully for the little candy canes - I know this has been around for a while but it is the first time I have tried it. Going to try another picture hope it doesn't come out fuzzy.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Doctors and Wal Mart

Tuesday was some day. My doctor's appointment wasn't until noon so I felt pretty good thought I would get my tag renewed change my physical address and stop by for a slow walk through Wal Mart.

I actually did all that and it was eleven so I thought I would go on over to the doctor's if you are early sometimes they go ahead and take you in. Now Ruskin used to be a small town - it is growing by leaps and bounds. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would get lost in Ruskin but that is exactly what happened. I spent thirty minutes trying to find the clinic then at last I saw a busy road crossing the one I was on - it was highway 41 then I knew where I was at the other end of the road from the clinic.

Made it to my appointment on time. Then I had to wait forever - they had an emergency. My doctor looked at my right foot and didn't like the swelling so she sent my to the emergency room to make sure I didn't have a blood clot - which I didn't thank goodness. It was the longest time before I got out of there.

I came home so tired that the stuff I bought at wale Mart is still in the truck. Not much some fiber fill and material to make pillows that will fit my shams for the bed. Some pipe cleaners to try and make little candy canes with.

All said and done it was a long day for me and to top it off my room mate was in a bad mood when I got home - seems his daughter had to call him to pick up the oldest at school which meant he had to pick up Mom first then go to the school then take them home - he got over it though I fixed tilipia, macaroni and cheese and garlic toast - some of his favorite things.

It is one in the morning and I can't sleep. I am suppose to have a mammogram done at 8:50 in the morning - don't think I am going to make it. I will have to make sure I reschule - the doctor got onto me for missing my appointment before but I was tied up with my knee being operated on.

Well even if I did get lost I am proud of myself for getting me out and on the road again. I just have to walk slow which lets you look at all kinds of things - I did come out of Wal Mart with one clearance blouse that was a steal.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Doctor - ugh - my main doctor who I have been putting off for ever. My right leg has been swollen for the longest time and wouldn't you know it this morning the swelling has gone down some. Have to take my meds in so she can see what I need new perscriptions for. Last time I went she got hold of me and gave me a physical. My sister was waiting for me in the waiting room and every time I wanted to go out there and tell her I would be a little longer they would grab me for another test.
Even my bad knee doesn't feel too bad this morning. The knot that was forming doesn't seem as tight - could it be that the doctor was wrong that it may go away on it's own? Anyway I am going to drive myself and see what happens.

Taking a break

Seems I am taking a break from crocheting. I will start on the frogs in a few days. Been doing some cleaning and sorting out of stuff. Trying to see what yarn I have and if - heaven forbid - I should try to throw some out - no not a single strand went into the trash.
Had a comment on the afghans if they would be good for a baby blanket. Not really because they have ridges - not if you just did it in plain double crochet it would be smoother and you really woundn't need a pattern just figure out how big you wanted it and chain that length. I cut and tied when I changed colors then put three rows of single crochet for an edging. I made them the same color for the little boy - the last row of white looks too much like lace.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Here They Are All Four

Have all four afghans done now. I am going to try and post a picture.

Another View Posted by Picasa

Four at Once Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 06, 2005


The blue afghan is done. No more afghans for a while now. Later I will post a picture - right now I am trying to be quiet so my room mate can sleep.
Going to make me a second cup of coffee and study the directions for the froggie pouch. Haven't taken a pain pill yet this morning. Had to take about three of them yesterday and was surprised I was able to finish the afghan. I don't think those pain pills are working any more for me. They just take the edge off of the pain. Well it will be another trip to the doctor about my knee. Monday I am going to call and see if they can get me in earlier. It seems they should be able to do something about this swelling.

Did I say that my room mates daughter and her kids and boyfriend are coming here for Thanksgiving. I have already started trying to straighten up. I think that those butter and cottage cheese containers - that I put left overs in - are breeding in my cabinet. Cleaned a mess of them off of the counter top (to lazy to put them away) threw away a lot and my cabinet is still full - no more saving plastic containers till I have to through some away. I think the reason I don't like tossing anything like that is from years of living in the Philippines. What ever it is someone has a use for it. It was the hardest thing my mother and I had to do after coming back was learning to throw things away. She still hoards food. I can say that because she knows it is true. Mom just had a bout with skin cancer. Things turned out OK they got all the cancer but she has precancers spots on her. She has decided they have done enough poking and testing till after Xmas.

Time for that second cup of coffee.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sleepless in Florida

Slept a few hours and now just can't go back to sleep. Maybe I will get sleepy again if I read for a while. I take medicine that is suppose to make me sleep but it isn't working at least not long enough.
Can't think of anything to say so I will close and try to get sleepy.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Philippine Cooking

Yes I did work on the blue afghan and it is coming along nicely but most of yesterday afternoon was spent making Pancit Bijon - a Philippine dish with noodles and lots of vegetables. It was the first time I had tried making it - my sister went to the trouble of writing out the recipe and emailing it to me. I had to make a few changes because of the room mate but he liked it - it is a good thing too because we are having leftovers tonight.

Here in the States we take short cuts with the cooking that works out great. For the cabbage and carrots you just buy a bag of already cut veggies for cold slaw and for the green beans - yep - frozen. About the only cutting I did was with the meat the onion and the green onions for topping. I even had garlic ready - I buy minced garlic in a jar. As much as my room mate says he doesn't like garlic when ever I cook with it he just raves about how good the food is.

For a long time I have wanted one of those garlic roasters - actually forgot I had wanted one till I saw one at a yard sale for fifty cents - haven't tried it yet but have the garlic - maybe today.

Moocher wants out again. He thinks if he goes out and comes in enough he will get an extra treat. Room mate gave him a piece of meat last night and Moocher watched him for the longest time to see if any more was forthcoming. We are spoiling him. The grandkids left their dolls here the other night and Moocher won't get near them - maybe he thinks it is the kids just being very still.

Heard from Daydreamer and was very happy. My sister is reading her blog too. My sister speaks Tagalag.

Time to get going - it is going to take some getting used to this time change - it feels so late already. Want to call my mother but have to wait until at least eight.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Quiet Day

Guess I will get some crocheting done today - nothing much else to do till dinner time. For some reason this blue afghan is taking forever - or is it just me wanting it to be done so I can go on to other things?
Just found out that a blogger I have been commenting to lives in the Philippines - this is a total coincidence - I lived in the Philippines for about seven years. It isn't about crocheting but just life which we all live and have to learn lessons from.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Felicia and Ginger

Here is my daughter and her 'frog' dog - all decked out for the fund raiser at the Macon Dog Park. They didn't win but still look cute.

More then half way through the blue afghan - seems this one is going slower - maybe it because I just haven't had time to work on it too much.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Really slept last night - didn't wake up at 4:30 - only when the room mate came in the kitchen to get his stuff ready for work did I open my eyes. Think I could sleep a few more hours.

Did crochet a little but was so tired I laid it aside afraid I would make a mistake and have to take some out.

Time to take a nap or go back to sleep which ever. Still just too tired from watching the kids and then running around Monday trying to find my room mate some truck insurance.